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By IEEE Computer Society
Key Takeaways Employment agreements set forth the terms of your relationship with your new employer. Typically, the agreement codifies what was covered generally in the job posting and discussed in the hiring process. While it’s easy to simply scan and sign an employment agreement, checking five key sections can spare…
By Lalit Chourey
Large language models (LLMs) have significantly advanced natural language processing (NLP), excelling in tasks such as text generation, translation, and summarization. These models are trained on vast datasets, enabling them to recognize complex language patterns. However, their large size presents challenges, requiring significant computational power, lengthy training periods, and extensive…
By Neal Shah
In the fast-paced world of consumer electronics, it’s easy to dismiss subtle shifts as unremarkable. However, Apple’s recent product updates released on Sept 9th, particularly the sleep apnea detection feature for Apple Watch and the FDA approval of AirPods as hearing aids, represent more than just incremental improvements. They signal…
By IEEE Computer Society Team
Key Takeaways Although negotiating might seem risky, hiring managers expect it. Knowledge is power, including knowing existing salary ranges for your position and region, as well as the skills you bring above and beyond the listed job requirements. Understanding the process and practicing your approach will add to your skills…
By Jack Maney
A robust integration platform empowers everyone in your organization, including IT and business teams. It enables your company to unlock the true value of data and digitize processes faster. MuleSoft is a powerful integration platform that provides a holistic approach to designing and developing APIs. Salesforce defines MuleSoft as a…
By IEEE Computer Society Team
Arkansas is known for many things—from diamonds, chicken, and Walmart to fishing and Johnny Cash—but it’s not likely the first state that comes to mind when you think about cybersecurity hubs. Not yet, anyway. Looking to elevate their corner of the state’s cyber security reputation, IEEE Computer Society Ozark Section…
By Vaibhav Malik
Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as a transformative force in artificial intelligence, revolutionizing natural language processing and generation. These sophisticated AI systems, trained on vast amounts of textual data, can produce human-like text, translate languages, and even generate code. While their capabilities are impressive, LLMs also raise significant ethical…
By James Deverick
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Fortune 500 giant or a small, local business. There is a good chance your supply chain is responsible for most of your carbon footprint. But why is reducing your carbon footprint important for your business? Your carbon footprint describes the total volume of greenhouse…
By IEEE Computer Society Team
The term “bucket shop” was originally applied to indigent saloons in the early 1800s that sold booze in buckets; a century later, the term was commonly used to characterize brokerage firms bilking people through fake trades. In relation to tech work today, an IT bucket shop is a churn-and-burn operation…
By Abhishek Chaudhuri
The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) goes beyond just being a popular buzzword. It is a powerful tool to change how organizations think, analyze, decide, and act. Although AI is still in its early application stages, it will expand and encompass all aspects of enterprise operations, including data management and…
By Dhanveer Singh and Neeharika Meka
Investing in artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a choice but an imperative for financial services organizations. AI’s unparalleled potential to revolutionize the industry mandates its adoption. From enhancing customer experiences with personalized services and sophisticated chatbots to improving fraud detection and cybersecurity through real-time monitoring and adaptive algorithms, AI…
By Rohit Kumar
Experts project that by the end of 2025, gaming will be a $250 billion industry annually, with growth above $500 billion by the end of the decade. With such magnitude comes the responsibility for developers to pay closer attention to ethical concerns. Diversity, healthy gameplay patterns, player well-being, and responsible…
By Aditi Godbole
We are living in a world where the Internet is an inseparable part of our life and with the inception of AI & ML the demand for network capacity is unstoppable. As networks scale exponentially, classical topologies and designs are struggling to keep in sync with the rapidly evolving demands…
By Prajeet Gadekar
Ethics are the cornerstone of our moral principles and human cognition. As Artificial Intelligence advances, replicating aspects of human cognition, the ethical implications of its decisions and outcomes become increasingly critical. The intersection of AI and morality is a pressing reality that demands our immediate attention. If unchecked, lack of…
By IEEE Computer Society Team
You’re searching for a job. Recruiters are searching for people to fill jobs. Seems like a great match—and it certainly can be. Still, if you’re new to the job market or in the early stage of your career, reputable recruiters might seem out of your league. To help level those…
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