A Message from the President.

"If I had to sum up 2024 for the Computer Society in one word, it would be “opportunity.” From record-breaking conference milestones to soaring impact factor and Google Scholar rankings, this year spoke to the importance of advancing computer science and engineering and the Computer Society’s role as the primary convener, facilitator, educator, and publisher to champion those very advancements.

Today, computer science and engineering knowledge remains in high demand and continues to push the boundaries of what we can achieve. As interdisciplinary work becomes the new norm, computer scientists and engineers now support nearly every global industry, expanding our ability to positively impact the future of our world.

In 2024, as a Computer Society community, we embraced these opportunities. For instance, we joined together to launch new programs like the IEEE RAS in Data Centers Summit, IEEE RAS in Automotive Summit, the IEEE SustainTech Leadership Forum to further sustainable engineering, quarterly membership townhalls, and relaunching the IEEE Global Chapter Leaders Summit. We drove discussions on frontiers of new technologies and we made strides toward a more diverse, equitable industry through the efforts of our Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Fund and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) activities, among many more successes.

The commitment to excellence from this community was present in all aspects of our work. Computer Society events, publications, and volunteers led the innovations shaping our field, and at the same time, set the stage for the evolution of this industry.

It was an honor to serve as Computer Society President in such a dynamic, successful year, but this is just the beginning. I see a bright future in store for this community, and I look forward to all we will continue to accomplish together. "



Jyotika Athavale

2024 IEEE Computer Society President


With nearly 10% growth in membership in 2024, IEEE CS remains the largest and most prestigious membership organization for computer science and engineering leaders. Through the dedication of our members and volunteers, IEEE CS fuels the future of the field for the betterment of humanity.

The IEEE CS Executive Committee and Board of Governors drive the vision of the organization, offering policy direction and guidance in support of initiatives to advance computer science and engineering.

In 2024, efforts focused on engaging the community; leading the way in new technical areas; continuing to focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); empowering and diversifying volunteers; and creating a nimble, responsive environment.

2024 IEEE CS Presidential Chain

Jyotika Athavale
2024 President
2024 Executive Committee
first vice president candidateHironori Washizaki - first vice president candidate Hironori Washizaki
2025 President
2024 Executive Committee
Nita Patel 2021 Presidential candidate Nita Patel
2023 President
2024 Executive Committee
Grace Lewis - second vice president candidate Grace A. Lewis
First Vice President,
2024 Executive Committee


With more than 375,000 community members and 1,031 chapters representing 157 countries globally, IEEE CS is the world’s largest organization serving the needs and interests of computer science and engineering. As the workforce continues to shift, IEEE CS has prioritized aligning programs and opportunities with this new landscape.

For instance, early career professionals—those who have graduated with their first professional degree within the last 15 years—make up a significant part of the engineering community, and their contributions are creating lasting impacts. With that in mind, in 2024, IEEE CS launched a search for Computing’s Top 30 Early Career Professionals.


Furthermore, IEEE CS released the highly anticipated SWEBOK Version 4 (V4.0), the newest edition of the internationally acclaimed Software Engineering Body of Knowledge, which serves as the definitive and authoritative reference for software engineering professionals. SWEBOK V4.0 incorporates agile and DevOps into many knowledge areas, and three new knowledge areas (i.e., Software Architecture, Software Engineering Operations, and Software Security) guide foundational understanding in software engineering. Developed by a team of experts and rigorously reviewed by industry professionals, SWEBOK V4.0 is a dynamic and evolving resource that will continue to support the industry as it grows and evolves.

And industry expansion continues because of the dedication of this community. From local chapter initiatives fueled by passion for knowledge sharing, education, and engagement to student sections offering a glimpse into future potential, the IEEE CS community is deeply engaged in initiatives that further the field for the betterment of humanity. To further that passion, the following activities launched in 2024 to better offer ways for global CS leaders to connect directly with IEEE CS:

  • IEEE CS Chapter Leaders Summit – The Chapter Leaders Summit assembled CS chapter leaders from across the globe–all 10 CS regions–for a chance to learn and network. On 15 June 2024, this global community convened in Santa Clara, Calif., to identify ways to expand their support for IEEE CS and the field of computer science and engineering, with a goal of meeting societal needs.
  • IEEE CS Quarterly Town Halls – Introduced as a way for members to connect with the IEEE CS President, these town halls reviewed key topics from the Society’s vision for 2024 to ways to advance careers and so much more. Overall, these Town Halls provided a forum for members to share their concerns, raise questions, learn what challenges the community is facing, and identify how they can support the Computer Society in new ways.
  • IEEE CS Student and Young Professional (SYP) Activities – While students and young professionals have always been a priority for IEEE CS, this year, efforts this year extended past work to deepen engagement with this community. From micro-mentoring to career development with IEEE CS TechX, an initiative designed to boost skills and anticipate industry trends, to a grassroots Scholarship Outreach Initiative, this community took professional growth to heart, working to support one another in advancing knowledge, along with careers.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

IEEE CS has donated US$500,000 to its D&I Fund

A diverse, inclusive community is critical for advancing computer science and engineering research, products, and solutions. For that reason, DEI initiatives have been a central focus of the society over the past three years. In fact, IEEE CS has donated US$500,000 to its D&I Fund, a fund of the IEEE Foundation. In total, it has supported 18 programs in three years’ time, including the following 2024 efforts:

    • Digital Literacy for Remote and Underprivileged Communities – The project consisted of three, week-long digital literacy workshops, taking place in different areas throughout Lebanon. Geared towards youth, women, refugees, and Lebanese nationals with limited access to digital resources, the goals of the project were to improve participants’ digital literacy and digital communications skills; foster and encourage inclusiveness; raise awareness of online security risks and best practices to protect personal information and encourage safe online behavior; and prepare participants to continue their digital literacy journey.
    • Go Windsor Project – The project delivered a hands-on training experience using TinyGo programming language to approximately 50 to 60 students. In collaboration with “Queer in STEM,” the training also included tech talks on open source, engagement with the Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) Community and integrated “Try Engineering” principles. The program goals were to foster diversity and inclusion in technology education with a specific emphasis on supporting LGBTQ+ individuals and create a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQ+ students to explore and excel in computer science.
    • Tech for Tomorrow: Empowering Girls and the Underprivileged – The project consisted of a three-day event geared towards young girls and underprivileged individuals in Pakistan. Participants received robotics and programming education, participated in a robotics hack-a-thon, took part in a tech tutoring initiative, and post-event, received continued tutoring and mentoring and opportunities for engagement post-event,.. The goals of the project were to help empower girls and underprivileged individuals; promote gender equality and equal access to technology for the underserved; and establish a forum for continued learning, networking, and collaboration.
    • TechForAll Code Camp – TechForAll Code Camp sought to train and mentor 200 high school students/graduates in Anambra State, Nigeria, who have a hearing impairment or are physically challenged in digital skills. The training focused on digital fluency, HTML, and CSS. The goals of the program were to empower physically challenged students with digital skills; inspire the pursuit of higher education in IT-related fields; support students with tools and resources to sustain further engagement of learned skills; and build a supportive and inclusive community among participants through post-training mentorship and an alumni network.
Women in STEM
  • Women in STEM: Workshop and CodeFest – The project consisted of a series of workshops on STEM topics and programming languages, on-site tours of local engineering departments and laboratories, and a codefest event for 200 underprivileged students, primarily girls, from schools across Bhutan. The goals of the initiative were to increase interest and awareness of STEM by women and improve confidence in STEM abilities; encourage the pursuit of STEM-related courses during tertiary education; and improve networking, creativity, and teamwork skills.

IEEE CS supported the award of nearly $200,000 USD in travel grants and waived registrations. This work resulted in 181 travel scholarships and 296 registration waivers for applicants from around the globeIn addition to the D&I Fund, IEEE CS demonstrates a deep commitment to DEI in its conferences. For instance, as a co-sponsor of the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Conference, IEEE CS supported the award of nearly US$200,000 in travel grants and waived registrations. This work resulted in 181 travel scholarships and 296 registration waivers for applicants from around the globe who might otherwise not have been able to attend the conference.

Women in Computing also remains a priority for the Computer Society. In addition to providing resources for women working to advance technical fields, IEEE CS offers many initiatives to empower the careers of women engineers and enhance salary potential. IEEE CS leadership drives this vision in the larger community: For example, in 2025 and 2026, Jyotika Athavale, IEEE CS 2024 President, will serve as the chair of the IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference.

“Advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in computer science is core to the mission of the Computer Society. With the D&I Fund, we can further efforts that help to bridge equality gaps. In fact, through projects and initiatives like those funded this year, we will be able to inspire the next generation and drive inclusivity for the betterment of the field and our world.”
Jyotika Athavale 2024 IEEE Computer Society President

IEEE Computer Society Juniors (CS Juniors)

CS Juniors

Engaging a new generation of computer science and engineering enthusiasts is key to ensuring the future of the profession. Thus, the IEEE CS Juniors program was created, focusing exclusively on programs that will foster awareness and passion for computing in pre-university (K-12) students around the world. New programs supported by CS Juniors included:

  • IEEE STEM Workshop in Mexico – This workshop provided pre-university teachers with free, open educational resources that situate science, technology, and engineering in their social and humanistic contexts.
  • CS Juniors Program Montevideo – This program was organized to provide computer science and engineering knowledge to pre-university students in Uruguay.
  • IEEE STAR Program Workshops – IEEE Student-Teacher and Research Engineer/Scientist (STAR) Program was developed to address the growing concern that, at a young age, girls are discouraged from careers in mathematics, science, and engineering. IEEE CS Juniors provided funding support for hands-on educational workshops held in November and December 2024.

Emerging Technology

The IEEE Computer Society established its Emerging Tech Grants Program to help connect emerging technologies with the computing community and support members and constituents in using emerging technologies to benefit humanity. Annually, the society funds programs designed to achieve those goals and advance the industry. In 2024, IEEE CS hosted several activities, including:

Hack the Metaverse
  • AI Perceptions Workshop Series – This international Workshop Series, which held events in five countries, sought to educate stakeholders about Artificial Intelligence (AI), gather cross-cultural perspectives on ethical and societal concerns around AI, and explore future implications and applications of the technology. This work effort informed Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and AI-development communities, and simultaneously gave stakeholders a greater understanding of the emerging technologies that are shaping the future.
  • Metaverse Hackathon – The Hackathon, which had a specific focus on AR/VR/XR; IOT, 5G Web 3.0.; and AI and blockchain, helped foster greater understanding in the use of new and futuristic technology in applications such as healthcare, smart cities, transport, and more, and created initial ideas and solutions that can advance development for long-term sustainability.
  • Cybersecurity Capture the Flag (CTF) Event – This CTF event, which leveraged virtual environments and was geared towards K-12 students, challenged participants to access the computerized environment, identify security vulnerabilities, and complete tasks in the environment to earn prizes and awards.
  • Digital Platforms and Societal Harms Tech Forum – This Tech Forum took place in Washington, D.C., and featured panels of invited speakers and participant discussions identifying research and policy advances to detect, measure, and mitigate societal harms such as hate speech, extremism, exploitation, disinformation and misinformation on digital platforms such as social media, online games, and the metaverse. The event served as a means for further discussion and activity in the space.
  • Be Cyber Smart CyberTron - A new initiative consisting of a cybersecurity awareness, workshop, and hackathon component.
  • Business Plan Competition that challenged participants to take a novel business idea and transform it into a successful technological venture.
  • “Hack the CS” Television Series covering knowledge areas planned in the ACM/IEEE/AAAI 2023 Computer Science Curricula such as HCI, AI, data management, among others.
  • Quantum Technologies Workshop, which explored new topics and captured community interest in quantum standardization efforts.
  • Tech Forum on AI and Blockchain
  • XR Ethics in Action Newsletter and Community Hackathon to help increase the use of ethics-based frameworks within emerging technology.
  • GEN-AI Designed Fashion Show – Held in late 2024, this project delivered the world's first fashion show where the designs were exclusively created using Generative AI. Attendees witnessed groundbreaking designs generated by AI algorithms, showcasing the fusion of technology and fashion in a captivating and innovative manner. The event featured everything from casual wear to haute couture designed by AI. It served as a means to address the emerging technology of Generative AI, highlighting its impact on design processes and creativity within fashion.

Through these and other activities around the globe, in 2024, IEEE CS drew together the computer science and engineering community to support dialogue, discovery, and growth in the field through strengthened connections, collaborations, and knowledge sharing.



A core mission of IEEE CS is to advance the field of computer science and engineering through research and development. As IEEE’s largest society, convening a community of more than 375,000 industry leaders, our publications– including conference proceedings, peer-reviewed journals, magazines and more–annually make the society the largest contributor to IEEE Xplore®. Through these contributions, this community not only features new research results but also helps shape new discoveries.

Technology Predictions

Each year in January, IEEE CS assembles a team of experts to evaluate how computer science and engineering will unfold in the coming year. For 2024, the top five technologies to watch included:

  1. Generative AI Applications (A/B): Generative AI use will increase with rapidly expanding efficiency and new applications and services both beneficial and detrimental. Ethical and societal issues will continue to rise. Expect strong short-term impacts on business, education and society.
  2. Next Generation AI (B+): The evolving advancements and developments in the field of artificial intelligence that push the boundaries beyond current capabilities. The next generation of AI is expected to be more advanced and sophisticated than the current AI systems.
  3. Advances in Cybersecurity (B): Cybersecurity advances will enhance public confidence and will enable reliance on the cyber infrastructure for large scale applications, including energy production and distribution.
  4. Managing Misinformation (B): AI deepfakes (text, audio, visual) will become regular tools that will require careful management.
  5. Remote Healthcare (B): Monitoring sensors and system-level data integration will enable patients to obtain remote medical assistance, physicians to improve diagnosis and treatment, optimal utilization of individuals’ medical history, and efficient health care delivery protocols.

In October 2024, the committee reconvened to reveal the Technology Predictions Scorecard. Annually, these experts assess how their predictions aligned with reality, and in 2024, they ranked their efforts with an “A”—one of the highest marks in recent history. In part, this was because generative AI grew explosively this year, supporting the original forecast. In addition, while managing misinformation had a large volatility year-over-year, it remains a priority, and protecting against misinformation will continue to be an area of emphasis moving forward. In fact, the 2025 Technology Predictions build on these and other technologies as the field advances.

 “Today’s technology landscape requires collaboration from all stakeholders. We see these predictions as a rallying cry for each area of the market to come together to advance a collective vision for these new technologies to better serve humanity.”
Dejan Milojicic 2014 IEEE Computer Society President, IEEE Fellow, HPE Fellow and VP at Hewlett Packard Labs

Publishing Milestones

2024 Impact Factor Rankings

In 2024, once again, IEEE CS journals led the industry in Journal Impact FactorTM (JIFTM) rankings. Specifically, 12 IEEE CS journals now hold the coveted top impact factor ranking in their respective research areas.

Delivering the highest impact factor of all artificial intelligence (AI) journals, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) led IEEE CS impact factor rankings, with the following rounding out the top five most-cited IEEE CS journals this year:

  • IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (TAC)
  • IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)
  • IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC)
  • IEEE Transactions on Big Data (TBD), a new entrant into the top five and its highest impact factor yet

In addition to peer-reviewed journals, JIF rankings also assess technical magazines. The IEEE CS magazines with the highest impact factor rankings include:

  • IEEE Intelligent Systems
  • IEEE Internet Computing
  • IEEE Software
  • IEEE Security and Privacy
  • IEEE Micro

2024 Analysis of U.S. Patent Referencing to IEEE Papers

IEEE CS papers lead to product development, and this year, IEEE explored just how influential this research is on patent creation. The 2024 Analysis of U.S. Patent Referencing to IEEE Papers established that IEEE and IEEE CS journals and conferences led the field in patent citation rankings. According to the latest rankings:

IEEE and IEEE CS journals and conferences received 25% of the science references from the patents of top companies
  • Patents issued to leading firms between 2004 and 2023 referenced IEEE and IEEE CS journals, conferences, and standards 682,113 times—three times as many references as the second-ranked scientific publisher.
  • IEEE and IEEE CS journals and conferences received 25% of the science references from the patents of top companies, with the next closest publisher only amassing 8.8% of the total.

New Journal: IEEE Transactions on Privacy

2024 also saw the official launch of IEEE CS’ new open-access journal, IEEE Transactions on Privacy. Designed to address the growing multidisciplinary demand for the theoretical, methodological, engineering, and applications aspects of privacy and data protection, the publication began accepting papers as of January 2024 and will be eligible to be included for the first time in the 2027 impact factor review.

Convening GLOBAL LEADERS to Further the Field

Conferences are central to IEEE CS’ mission, drawing together global computer science and engineering leaders to discuss, debate, collaborate, and advance the field. In 2024, multiple conferences drove that dynamic in new ways.

Top AI and Computer Science Conference: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

CVPR annually unveils new research in support of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), augmented, virtual, and mixed reality (AR/VR/MR), deep learning, and much more. Sponsored by IEEE CS and the Computer Vision Foundation (CVF), CVPR delivers the important advances in all areas of computer vision and pattern recognition and the various fields and industries they impact.

Multiple metrics this year heralded CVPR as the top industry event for the computer vision community, including:

  • New conference records – CVPR 2024 surpassed previous conference records. From the highest number of paper submissions ever—11,532, a 26% increase over 2023—to attendance exceeding 12,000 participants from 76 different countries and regions, CVPR drew together a diverse community of today’s leaders in computer vision.
  • #1 AI and Computer Science Conference – In 2024, Research.com listed CVPR as both the number one machine learning/artificial intelligence conference and the top computer science event.
  • #2 in Google’s 2024 Scholar Metrics – CVPR earned the number two spot in Google’s 2024 Scholar Metrics. Achieving an H5-Index of 440, CVPR outperformed other prestigious scientific journals, including The New England Journal of Medicine, Science, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), and others.
“While we experienced significant growth this year, it still felt like a tight-knit gathering of colleagues, friends, and peers. The beauty of CVPR is that it provides an annual forum to convene the community and a collective way for us to come together to advance the industry.”
― Walter J. Scheirer, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind., U.S.A., and CVPR 2024 General Chair

Quantum Week

Quantum Week 2024, IEEE’s International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering, which took place 15-20 September in Montréal, Québec, Canada, also boasted record-breaking success, including:

  • Research growth – Paper submissions for Quantum Week grew 56% over 2023.
  • Highest attendance – More than 1,600 registered attendees—up 18% from 2023—joined to learn the latest on ways quantum technology is advancing work in a range of disciplines and application domains.
  • Industry engagement – The number of exhibitors, sponsors, and supporters grew to 86 this year, up 37% over 2023. In addition, announcements from industry players supported the evolution of quantum science and engineering. These included:
    • Microsoft and Quantinuum discussing their partnership, which resulted in breaking a record in the creation of logical qubits.
    • Microsoft unveiling that it’s working with Atom Computing to build the world’s most powerful quantum machine.
    • During his keynote, IBM’s Quantum VP Jay Gambetta announcing the release of the Qiskit Functions Catalog, services that allow users to abstract away parts of the quantum software development workflow.
“With quantum technology demonstrating potential in areas ranging from artificial intelligence to drug discovery, we knew this year’s event would drive the dialogue and debate important to the evolution of the field.”
― Candy Culhane, 2024 IEEE Quantum Week General Chair

RAS Summits

New in 2024, IEEE CS introduced two Reliability, Availability and Serviceability (RAS) Summits to bring together academic researchers and industry technology leaders to share their vision and thought leadership on the toughest challenges facing industry: data centers and automotive.

The first Summit, which took place 11-12 June in Santa Clara, Calif., focused on data centers, specifically exploring:

  • Reliability challenges and mitigations to meet in-field requirements
  • Availability considerations to meet MTBF requirements
  • Serviceability requirements for mean time to repair and preventative maintenance compliance
  • Silent data corruption, mitigating effects at scale
  • Emerging RAS trends and architectures
  • Measuring resilience in AI systems

Convening 5-6 December in Turin, Italy, the second Summit focused on the automotive sector and focused on:

Automotive Design-for-Test: enable high quality at low cost, Built-In self-test in automotive systems: digital, analog, mixed-signal, Power-up, power-down and periodic test, Dependability challenges of autonomous driving and e-mobility, Aging effects on automotive electronics, Fault tolerance and self-checking circuits Functional safety and cyber-security, Functional and structural test generation, Automotive standards and certification, Verification and validation of automotive systems, Statistical post-processing, Machine learning and AI for testing and reliability, Reuse of test infrastructure and New Product Development acceleration System level test of automotive system-on-chip, On-Line Testing and repair strategies, Silicon Lifecycle management, SLM monitoring strategies, Telemetry and predictive maintenance, Advanced packaging and Chiplet technology, Packaging equipment and test equipment, Reliability of systems in package, Reliability of power modules for automotive, Design for test and reliability of power modules, Reliability analysis and ISO standardizations, Reliability of AI architectures for automotive, Design for Test of AI HW Accelerators, and Reliability assessment of AI computations.

These events, while new in 2024, drew the global engagement of the specialists serving these areas. They were huge successes in applying computer science and engineering expertise in new ways.




In its 36th year, the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC24) served as the premier event for exploring the future of computational science and its transformative potential for the world. The 2024 event set new benchmarks:

  • Record-breaking attendance – 18,104 attendees from around the globe–a 27% increase over 2023–joined SC24 for the latest developments in High Performance Computing (HPC).
  • Highest number of exhibitors in history – SC24 boasted almost 500 exhibitors, the highest number in history, with 136 first-time participants.
  • Peak bandwidth milestones – Designed and created each year for SC, SCinet is a global collaboration of high-performance networking experts who provide a platform that connects attendees and exhibitors to the world. In 2024, SCinet achieved a record-breaking 8.71 terabits per second (Tbps) – or one trillion bits per second – of peak bandwidth, supported by 30 wide-area network (WAN) circuits (18 at 400 gigabits per second [Gbps], 11 at 100 Gbps, and one at 10 Gbps) and 450 access points. The project was made possible by the dedication of over 200 volunteers and 36 sponsors donating equipment valued at US$47 million.
“To see the number of women increase in SCinet has been amazing, and the importance of the opportunities it provides to the women involved with the program can’t be understated.”
― Angie Asmus, SC24 SCinet Chair

SustainTech Leadership Forum

In 2024, the IEEE CS joined with the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES), and the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) to organize the inaugural IEEE SustainTech Leadership Forum, 27-28 August 2024, in San Diego, California, to address sustainability in engineering.

Focused on sustainable technology impacting buildings and factories, the event brought together leading industry changemakers for discussions on innovative solutions to advance sustainable engineering for the built environment. In particular, the event focused on two key themes:

  • How to decrease the environmental impact of data centers
  • The role regulatory and compliance efforts and public-private sector partnerships can play in advancing objectives

As lasting change occurs not instantaneously, but over time, it will take the continued passion and dedication of the IEEE CS community to advance more climate-friendly solutions that respond to rising market demands, business objectives, and a more sustainable environment. SustainTech 2025 takes place 19 - 20 August in San Jose, California.

“By convening here, we’re demonstrating our commitment towards addressing these challenges head-on and driving progress in our industry. Together, we have the opportunity to shape the future of sustainable technology.”
― Anthony Vetro, President & CEO, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs


40 new standards solidified and approved, and another 75-plus Project Authorization Requests (PARs) surfaced2024 was a prolific year for computer science and engineering standards activity: IEEE CS had more than 40 new standards solidified and approved, and another 75-plus Project Authorization Requests (PARs) surfaced. This brought totals up to 279 active PARs and 254 active standards.

These developments speak to the strength of computer science and engineering and the advanced work of this community. Scientific advancements in areas as diverse as the high-performance computing in drug discovery, disease analysis, quantum computing, and AI call for standardization to drive universality of practice. Not to mention that as these technologies come online, standards will help ensure their strategic, secure, and ethical deployment.

Looking to the FUTURE

Never ones to rest on our laurels, this community continues its work.

For instance, as part of its mission, the IEEE CS honors the achievements of the global computer and engineering community through its awards programs. To further that cause, industry leaders step up to ensure awards can be given in perpetuity.

Case in point: In 2024, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) announced it will provide a US$175,000 endowment to maintain the Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award and make certain the award will always serve as a distinction for leaders in HPC. The endowment from HPE will be matched 100% by IEEE CS, ensuring we will be able to annually provide recipients of the award with a crystal memento, certificate, and US $10,000 honorarium.

As we continue to support groundbreaking efforts across all disciplines of computer science and engineering, IEEE CS is proud to serve as the home for this dynamic community. We look forward to continuing to celebrate the field’s successes and to all the milestones we will collectively achieve in 2025.

For more information on how to get involved, visit our volunteer section.