Meet the Candidates for 2025-2027 Board of Governors
The opinions expressed in the statements are those of the individual candidates and do not necessarily reflect Computer Society positions or policies.

(14 Board of Governors Nominees — Vote for 6 during Open Voting Period)

The candidates are listed in a random order and indicates no preference.



Position statement.    My in-depth volunteer experience in IEEE Technical and Membership Activities, coupled with 35 years of professional experience in the IT industry and over 20 years in academia, has provided me with a clear understanding and appreciation of the needs of IEEE members in both industry and academia within the fields of Computer Society interests.

If elected, I will dedicate my efforts to enhancing the IEEE Computer Society by bolstering support for technical and student branch chapters, fostering synergy between technical and membership activities, and increasing member engagement. Addressing the issue of over 150,000 IEEE members not joining societies is a prime opportunity to attract new members to the Computer Society. Despite being the largest IEEE-wide society with over 45,000 members, there is still room for improvement. The Computer Society is not represented in 24% of IEEE Sections, which means 10% of our members are underserved. I am eager to use my skills and passion to make practical improvements in Computer Society chapter activities, working closely with technical leaders and volunteers in Regions and Sections, and collaborating with the TAB and MGA Chapter Operations Support Committee.

Biography.    Andrejs Romanovs, associate professor and senior researcher at the Riga Technical University (Latvia).

He has been an active IEEE volunteer for various committees and conferences, including MGA Chapter Operations Support Committee (Chair 2025), MGA Membership Recruitment and Recovery Committee (Chair 2019-2020), Region 8 Professional and Educational Activities Committee (Chair 2023-2024), Region Chapter Coordination Committee (Chair 2021-2022), Region 8 Membership Development Subcommittee (Chair 2017-2018), Latvia Section (Chair 2012-2013, 2016-2017), founder of Latvia Section Computer Society Chapter, IEEE Latvia Blockchain Group, founder and chairperson of three annual IEEE international scientific conferences: IEEE Workshop on Advances in Information, Electronic and Electrical Engineering (since 2013), IEEE Workshop on Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications (since 2015), IEEE International Scientific Conference on Information Technology and Management Science (since 2018), TPC Chair/member in more than 20 other IEEE-sponsored scientific conferences.

His professional career has spanned industry and academia, having 35 years professional experience in IT, developing numerous industrial and management information systems for state institutions and private business, as well as over 20 years academic experiences teaching bachelor and master students in the field of IT. Director of two international master study programs “Cybersecurity Engineering” and “Logistics and Supply Chain Management”. Professional interests include modeling, simulation and design of information systems, cybersecurity and IT risks, IT governance, AI and ML, digital logistics and supply chain management, e-commerce, as well as education in these areas.

He holds PhD in Engineering Science from Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Dipl.Eng and MBA degrees from University of Latvia. He is the author of more than 150 textbooks and papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings in the field of Information Technology, is a regular keynote speaker at IEEE conferences and events.




Position statement.    As a member of the Board of Governors, I would seek to: (a) foster entrepreneurship and advocate for knowledge and technology transfer, focusing on publicizing success cases. As society has become increasingly connected to Computer Science, including Artificial intelligence, HPC, and other technologies, we have more resources to go from an idea to a product; (b) stimulate collaboration opportunities among conference organizers, IEEE CS members, and research institutions, and (c) promote educational content creation. CS is changing quickly, and recent topics such as cybersecurity, heterogeneity in HPC, and generative AI need teaching references.

In addition, it is crucial to give voice to researchers worldwide, including Latin America. Being Brazilian yet with a solid connection to North America and Western Europe, one of my roles, if elected, would be to contribute with new perspectives and reach more researchers from the same region to the IEEE CS, bringing diversity and inclusion.

With this, I would be honored to represent my colleagues and partners, bringing their ideas and suggestions to boost community diversity. These plans will help support the IEEE CS and its mission as they aim to advance the theory, practice, and application of computing technology while helping humanity progress through technology.

Biography.    I am a full-time professor at São Paulo University, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (IME). Graduated with a BS in Applied Mathematics from the University of São Paulo (1990), MSc in Applied Mathematics from the University of São Paulo (1994), and Ph.D. in Informatique et Systèmes – Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (1999). I am currently an associate professor at the University of São Paulo. I co-chaired several conferences and tracks, like XP 2024 and SC 23 – co-workshop chair, ACM – SAC 25, Carla 22, Europar 21 and 17, and SSC 20 – co-track chair. My areas of expertise include parallel and distributed computing, scheduling, and agile software development. Since 2023, I have been coordinating a scientific collaboration between the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the University of São Paulo (USP) with the aim of proposing medium-term projects at the USP – CNRS center. At the beginning of 2024, I was elected Chair of the “Technical Community on Parallel Processing” (TCPP) of the IEEE Computer Society. I participated in several projects sponsored by Brazilian research agencies, the European Community, and HP-Labs. I coordinate the thematic project: “Trends in High-Performance Computing, from Resource Management to New Computer Architectures” project” (  I coordinated two Capes-Cofecub projects with France and a Procad project with two other Brazilian Universities. I organized an advanced school on Smart Cities in July 2017 (with a budget of 170K USD). I have published over 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences and supervised over 40 masters of sciences, 9 Ph. Ds., and 4 postdocs. I established industry-academia cooperations, such as the one with Hewlett Packard Enterprise. More complete information can be found at:




Position statement.    Computing is currently the most rapidly evolving field, offering our Society significant opportunities to lead technological innovations, advance emerging applications, and foster new career pathways. If elected to the BoG, with my extensive experiences serving on diverse volunteer and leadership roles on the IEEE Computer Society T&C board and MGA board, I see myself capable of contributing to (1) facilitate close collaborations among different units/committees of the Computer Society to fully utilize available resources, inspire innovations and foster new initiatives; (2) bring values to meet the diverse needs of our members via innovative technical and networking activities, career advice and mentorship, volunteering opportunities, awards and recognitions; (3) cultivate a diverse and inclusive environment where members and volunteers from all backgrounds and different stages of their career can feel valued, respected, and empowered;  (4) promote engagement of students & young professionals in both membership activities and volunteer opportunities to bring fresh blood and new perspectives to our society.

Biography.    Yuhong Liu, Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Santa Clara University, received her Ph.D. degree on Computer Engineering from University of Rhode Island in 2012. Her research interests focus on trustworthy computing and cyber security, with over 90 papers on prestigious journals and peer reviewed conferences. She has served as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Service Computing (since 2024), APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing (since 2021), Multimedia Tools and Applications (since 2024), and a Youth EBM Editor of the Blockchain: Research and Applications Journal (since 2023).

She is an IEEE senior member and actively volunteering to IEEE Computer Society with the following major accomplishments.

Received the IEEE CS Technical & Conference Activity board Rising Star Service Award 2023, recognized for her exceptional service to the Technical & Conference Activities Board and for fostering collaboration with the Membership & Geographic Activities Board.  

Led the effort of Special Technical Communities (STC) to capture the emerging and rapid evolving technologies in the computing field and provide technical, educational, and professional resources for our members on emerging topics (2019-2020 and 2022-2023).

Lead the IEEE Computer Society Technical Meeting Request Committee (since 2022) to ensure the financial healthiness of IEEE CS conferences.

Serve as the IEEE CS Distinguished Visitor (2022-2024) and provided technical talks to IEEE CS Chapters globally. 

Serve as the IEEE CS Region 6 Area 4 Coordinator, facilitating smooth communications and coordination among different IEEE CS Chapters, Areas and Regions, and providing values to members. 

Served on the D&I Committee for IEEE CS T&C board, which created diversity & inclusivity recommendations for conference organization, program committees, and publications.

Served as a reviewer and will serve as Chair of Richard E. Merwin Award starting Fall 2024.




Position statement.   The vision of the IEEE Computer Society Strategic Plan is “to be the leading provider of technical information, community services, and personalized services to the world’s computing professionals.” If elected to the Board of Governors, my contribution to this mission will be to actively support existing sub-committees and working groups, and to identify and create links to new, promising areas of research within the Society. For IEEE CS, it is essential to be closely involved in shaping these new areas, while promoting participation of early-career researchers (ECRs) who are responsible for building the future of the field. ECRs comprise a large portion of the research workforce and provide constant influx of new talent, skills, and ideas. Additionally, I will identify mechanisms to increase industry participation in IEEE CS activities to create awareness and synergies between researchers and practitioners. These synergies will ensure universities and industries remain at the forefront of emerging research, while aligning academic programs with industry needs. Through my extensive relationships with industry, academia, and government, I will help to organize and promote events showcasing advances in emerging technologies related to software engineering in these three communities, providing opportunities to build critical bridges that enable interaction and collaboration.

Biography.   Ladan Tahvildari is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo. For over 25 years, she has pioneered new research directions and advanced the state-of-the-art in academia and industry. Tahvildari is a leading international expert in the design and development of novel models, architectures, and intelligent decision-making approaches that aid in the analysis and maintenance of dependable and adaptive software systems. Beyond academia, and in collaboration with industry and non-profit organizations, Tahvildari conducts applied research to ensure real-world application of her work. 

Tahvildari has proudly volunteered to assist the Computer Society for over two decades, first as Chair of IEEE CS Kitchener-Waterloo (KW) Section (2004-2008), later as Chair of IEEE CS KW-Women in Engineering Affinity Group (2008-2013), then as an ExCom member with the IEEE CS Technical Community on Software Engineering  (2016-2018), and more recently as the Chair of TCSE (since 2020) as well as a Member-at-Large of the Technical Activities Committee (TAC). Tahvildari has actively served on organizing committees of several flagship IEEE CS conferences. She also served as a guest co-editor for the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering in 2009. As an IEEE volunteer, Tahvildari has inspired future generations of engineers and scientists to excel in their research endeavors. She is deeply committed to advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion at all IEEE levels. Her excellence in research, teaching, service, and outreach is recognized by numerous awards and distinctions. She was featured in IEEE Canadian Review Magazine in 2015 as “Women in Engineering Leader”. 

Tahvildari is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (FCAE) and a Canadian Professional Engineer (PEng) in Ontario. Tahvildari received her undergraduate degree in Software Engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology and MASc and PhD degrees from University of Waterloo.





Position statement.    As a current BoG member, I understand the Computer Society (CS) and this role, and will contribute immediately. I will continue to:

(1) Develop ties between the CS and international efforts around promoting research software and efforts of those who develop and maintain it. Many research software community members are or could be CS members, and this work is increasing essential to the CS’s role in research. I believe this can grow the CS’s membership and increase its diversity by supporting research software developers and maintainers who don’t currently feel that the CS is for them, and produce better computing solutions and positive impacts on society by making better and more sustainable research software.

(2) Work towards increasing open science, including open access, in the CS and the profession. While I recognize the financial challenges, I am convinced that computer science will benefit from increased access to the products, artifacts, and publications we create.

(3) Diversify our profession. I’ve been working to increase awareness of the existing amount of diversity in our editorial boards and other organizational groups, so that when we invite new people, we are aware of how they change our diversity, and this contributes to decision-making.

Biography.    Daniel S. Katz is Chief Scientist at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), Research Associate Professor in Computer Science, and Research Associate Professor in the School of Information Sciences (iSchool) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. His PhD in electrical engineering is from Northwestern University. His background spans universities (University of Illinois, University of Chicago, Louisiana State University), national labs (Argonne, JPL), government (NSF), and industry (Cray Research, Inc.)

Dan’s career has been spent in the development and use of advanced cyberinfrastructure to solve challenging problems at multiple scales, including in applications, algorithms, fault tolerance, and programming in parallel and distributed computing, and in the last ten years, focusing on policy issues, including credit associated with software and data, organization and community practices for collaboration, and career paths for computing researchers.

His current work addresses research software. He sees problems, then instigates changes to solve or reduce them, typically by highlighting them, bringing others to agreement, and then encouraging a community to work on them, such as around software citation, FAIR for research software, sustainable software, research software funding, and Research Software Engineers (RSEs) and research software engineering.

He is a senior member of the IEEE and ACM, and a co-founder and current Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Open Source Software, co-founder of the US Research Software Engineer Association (US-RSE), and co-founder and steering committee chair of the Research Software Alliance (ReSA). He has been a volunteer for hundreds of conferences and workshops in roles from steering committee chair to conference chair to program committee member; has served on the boards of the IEEE Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP), Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC); Task Force on Cluster Computing (TFCC); and was the initial webmaster and website creator for the IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society.




Position statement.     The future of the IEEE Computer Society hinges on how effectively we can foster collaboration between our professional members and  early-career young professionals. It also depends on how strongly we can partner with the industry, as outlined in our Strategic Plan. This focus not only resonates deeply with me, but I also see this as an incredible opportunity.

As a Silicon Design Engineer at Intel, the worldwide chair of the Students and Young Professionals committee, and a proud UC Berkeley alum, I am uniquely positioned to help drive this mission forward. My team within the Students & Young Professionals committee has already made significant strides through 13 strategic programs. However, serving on the board will enable me to amplify our impact even further through these focus areas.

Fostering Strong Industry Engagement with Academia: Building pipelines and systems to attract, retain, and derive value from a synergized relationship with the industry.

Building value for our Young Professionals in academia and industry: Helping young industry professionals, researchers and phD scholars navigate the challenges and uncertainties they face during this critical phase of their careers.

Making a Grassroots Difference: Empowering our worldwide community to drive positive change in their local areas.


Biography.    As a Silicon Design Engineer at Intel, I am working at the forefront of technology, working on the next generation of AI-enabled Intel Xeon® processors. My work involves advancing Intel’s memory handling capabilities and developing state-of-the-art technologies, including DDR5 and beyond. My dedication to advancing computing has been recognized with the Intel Division Impact Awards and through College of Engineering Departmental Grant from UC Berkeley, where I pursued my Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences.

The incredible people I have met in my journey starting from the Student Branch Chair of Jadavpur University in India all the way to the Chair of Global Students & Young Professionals for the IEEE Computer Society have been inspiring. In my current role, I am entrusted with driving growth and engagement within our organization. Under our team’s leadership we have won the IEEE YP Hall of Fame Award.

Beyond my roles at Intel and IEEE CS, I led the UC Berkeley Entrepreneurship Affinity Group, bridging academia with industry to foster cutting-edge innovation. My dedication to the IEEE Computer Society has also been recognized with the CS 20 in their 20s award and the Richard E. Merwin Student award.

Outside of work, I find solace in surfing and skiing. These activities instill resilience and adaptability, qualities that are vital in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Read more about me here  –




Position statement.    IEEE Computer Society is a prospective international organization, exploring cutting-edge technologies and practical applications through high quality publications, premier conferences, technical standards, and education activities. As a benefit receiver, I am keen to continue the tradition and repay to my peers, especially junior and student members of the professional family. I have been active in IEEE Computer Society with great enthusiasm in various ways. I fully believe a member centered philosophy will guide us to build an even greater professional community in this dynamic and uncertain age. I possess the technical background, broad experience, and leadership skills. If elected, I will work hard and passionately to serve the society by

Listen and represent the voices of our members, especially the under-represented groups

Create effective professional services to assist members to fulfil their dreams.  

Promote transparency, diversity, fairness, and inclusiveness for all members.

Enhance interactions between academia and industry for mutual advancement.

Biography.    Shui Yu obtained his PhD in 2004 from Deakin University, Australia. He is currently a full Professor at School of Computer Science, and the Deputy Chair of University Research Committee, University of Technology Sydney, Australia. His research interest covers AI Security and Privacy, Computer Networks, Big Data, and Mathematical Modelling. He has published seven monographs and edited two books, more than 600 peer reviewed technical papers at different venues, such as IEEE TPDS, TDSC, TC, TIFS, TMC, TKDE, ToN, and INFOCOM. He obtained the h-index of 76 with a total Google citation over 22,600. Professor Yu initiated and significantly promoted the research field of networking for big data since 2013, and his research outputs have been widely adopted by industrial systems, such as Amazon cloud security. 

For IEEE Computer Society, he is currently a Distinguished Visitor, and served the IEEE Fellow Evaluation Committee, EiC selection committee, the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, and so on. Besides, he is serving the editorial boards of IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (Area Editor) and IEEE Internet of Things Journal (Editor), and EiC for the Digital Privacy and Security book series of Springer. 

Professor Yu was elected as a member of Board of Governors of IEEE ComSoc and IEEE VTS, respectively. He is serving these IEEE societies in various perspectives, such as membership council, industry outreach board, educational services board, and so on. 

Professor Yu is a member of ACM and AAAS, and a Fellow of IEEE.






Position statement.    As a Computer Science professional, I have always wanted to keep updated with the latest computing technologies and research, and contribute my computer science expertise in serving the Chicago Section.  As Chair for the IEEE Computer Society Chicago Chapter, I have focused on creating a technical and professional community that provides value with important computing topics by partnering with non-IEEE organizations such as FutureCon for cybersecurity and ACM Chicago.  

I am running for the BoG because I am passionate about making a difference in the IEEE Computer Society.  Many computing professionals are not IEEE Computer Society members because they feel it is only for publishing papers and attending conferences.  IEEE Computer Society is more than that, it brings together experts in computer science and technology that share their expertise and knowledge.  Similarly for Chicago, I want to have IEEE Computer Society actively participate in non-IEEE events to attract more members.  I want to engage companies to join IEEE Computer Society by forming an Industry Engagement Committee.  I also want to form an Education and Workforce Committee that provides opportunities for STEM students to pursue computer science as their career, provides education to DEI students, and upskilling programs for working professionals. 

Biography.    Alvin Chin is currently Research Scientist at Discovery Partners Institute, University of Illinois System researching in mobile social networking and human-centered AI.  Alvin has a PhD in Computer Science from University of Toronto, MASc in Software Engineering from University of Waterloo and BASc in Computer Engineering from University of Waterloo. Alvin is a seasoned computer professional as he has worked for major companies like Nokia, Microsoft and BMW.  He is also a prolific academic where he has published over 30 papers in IEEE conferences and journals and 10 patents.  He is passionate about computing research and technology and serves on numerous IEEE entities and committees as Chair of IEEE Chicago Section, Chair of IEEE Computer Society Chicago Chapter, Chair of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Chicago Chapter, Chair of IEEE VTS Industry Engagement Committee, and Secretary of IEEE Standards Committee for Autonomous Vehicles.  

Alvin is interested in the latest computing research and technologies and is passionate about providing access to these for computing professionals.  In the IEEE Chicago Section, Alvin was instrumental in helping create a Climate and Sustainability Local Group and a Quantum Computing Local Group.  For promoting IEEE Chicago to non-IEEE members, he is the first Chair to invite non-IEEE members to attend the IEEE Chicago Executive Committee meetings.  As a result of all these activities, this year the IEEE Chicago Section received the Best Large Section Award and Best Membership Retention Award in Region 4 for 2023.  To demonstrate his leadership, Alvin graduated from the 2023 VoLT program and his team was awarded Best Project Idea. In addition, under Alvin’s leadership, IEEE Computer Society Chicago was named Chapter of the Year in 2020.  Alvin also serves as Co-editor of The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia journal and Chair of ACM Chicago.   




Position statement.    I have been a member of the Computer Society for over 30 years, and most recently VP of MGA, which has given me the opportunity to closely work with an important part of the society: our members.  I will contribute to the advancement of our society by focusing on member recognition, as well as the importance of recognizing all our volunteers and staff.  As a CS volunteer for many years, I had the opportunity to work on different boards and committees to support membership and understand their needs. During my time as VP of MGA, I made changes to the board structure to make it more robust and membership focused, by elevating the distinguished visitors program to a standing committee and creating the new initiatives ad-hoc committee.   I also supported young professionals’ activities and initiatives and worked to create a more diverse and inclusive community. If elected, one of my goals will be to increase the representation of Region 9 on the Board and propose innovative ideas for increasing membership, including new products and services that recognize volunteers, and programs that can support our members during difficult economic times.

Biography.    Fernando Bouche graduated from Universidad Tecnologica de Panama as Computer Engineer in 1995 and received his master’s degree on IT Management and Security in 2006 from Universidad Latina de Panama.  He is the IT Manager at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) in Panama since 2013.  As part of his involvement with IEEE, he was the Section Chair of the IEEE Panama’s Section from 2011-12.  As a student, he was chapter chair and Student Branch vice chair and other Section’s committees, he received the IEEE Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Activities Award among other recognitions from IEEE, before he becomes Section Chair. Bouche served as board member on several IEEE committees such as IEEE GOLD, IEEE Ethics, and Member Conduct Committees. He has served as, a member of the Computer Society Chapter Activities Board as Region 9 representative, CS DVP Latina America coordinator, and CS PACE representative, CS Geographic Unit Operations Committee member and DVP coordinator. Most recently member of IEEE Public Visibility Committee in 2013 and 2014, MGA Information Technology Coordination and Oversight in 2014 and IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee in 2017 and 2018.  From 2020 to 2022 he was the CS Geographic Activities Committee Region 9 representative and IEEE Region 9 TAB member.  In 2023, Computer Society VP for Member and Geographic Activities and 2024 CS Finance Committee, Assistant Treasurer.

IEEE Collabratec Public Profile:



Position statement.   With the recent advancements in technologies such as artificial intelligence, IoT and computer communications, computers remain the center of humankind’s scientific preoccupations and they also impact the societal conversation. These days, it is not uncommon for Computer Science and Computer Engineering departments to be the largest departments in universities. This brings exceptional responsibilities to the IEEE Computer Society, which is the largest global community of computer scientists and engineers and engages professionals in both academic as well as industry careers. 

If I am elected to the Board of Governors, I will bring my experience both as an academic researcher and department chair, as well as my roles in the TCCC and N2Women to contribute to the vision of the Computer Society’s strategic plan. In particular, I am well positioned to help engage more students and early career professionals (strategic goal 1), this being already one of the themes of my service activities. I also think that my current work fits into the theme of empowering and diversifying the volunteer base, by encouraging individuals to participate in the activities of the society.

Biography.     Damla Turgut is Charles Millican Professor and Chair of Computer Science at the University of Central Florida and the co-director of the AI Things Laboratory. She received her PhD from the Computer Science and Engineering Department of University of Texas at Arlington. She held visiting researcher positions at University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Imperial College of London and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. She published more than 200 research papers in the field of wireless networking, sensor networks and IoT. Most recently, she has been leveraging AI/ML techniques for applications of IoT in assistive technologies and smart environments.

Her honors and awards include the 2024 Pegasus Professorship at UCF (the highest award available for UCF faculty), the NCWIT 2021 Mentoring Award for Undergraduate Research (MAUR) Award, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (2021-2025), 2021 Faculty Mentor of the Year, the Research and Teaching Incentive Awards, UCF Women of Distinction Award, the University Excellence Award in Professional Service. She was also featured in the UCF Women Making History series. 

Since 2022, she serves as the Chair of the IEEE Technical Community on Computer Communications (TCCC), and she is currently the IEEE TAC-at-large member. She is the IEEE Computer Society representative on the Steering Committees of the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing and IEEE Transactions on Networking. She also served on the 2023 IEEE Computer Society T&C Awards Committee. 

Since 2019, she serves as the N2Women (Networking Networking Women) Board Co-Chair where she co-leads the activities of the N2Women Board in supporting female researchers in the fields of networking and communications. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the Elsevier Computer Communications Journal, Associate Editor of Ad Hoc Networks and Pervasive Mobile Computing.  She is an IEEE and ACM Senior Member.




Position statement.   First, thanks to the excellent work of President, Vice President, Board of Governors and many people. IEEE Computer Society (CS) is one of the leading societies in computing. I am a long-time volunteer for IEEE CS and have been serving in many different roles, in which I have gained rich experience on conference organization and sponsorship, membership promotion, especially for students, and establishment of a close link between the academy and the industry. For example, I was first as a Vice Chair with IEEE Technical Committee on Intelligent Informatics and then as Chair. I have been chairing the IEEE Cercone Scholarship Committee, organizing seminars, hosting invited speakers and mentoring junior researchers. It will be an honor for me to serve as a CS Board of Governor and provide support to attendees and organizers of sponsored events.

If elected, my goals are to (1) help to support existing and new events sponsored by IEEE CS; (2) maintain and enhance the scientific values of IEEE CS sponsored events; (3) promote the IEEE CS by collaborating with other organizations in joint activities; (4) consolidate and develop the IEEE CS membership especially for students; (5) strengthen the relationship with industry to promote IEEE CS.

Biography.   Jimmy Huang holds a Tier I York Research Chair Professorship in big data analytics. His major research focuses on the areas of information retrieval, text mining, artificial intelligence and big data analytics with complex structures and their applications to the Web and medical healthcare. He has published 360+ refereed papers in top-tier journals (such as ACM Transactions on Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing) and premier & major conferences in the fields (such as ACM SIGIR, ACM CIKM, SIGKDD, COLING, ACL, IJCAI and AAAI). He was the General Conference Chairs for the 19th ACM CIKM and the 43rd ACM SIGIR. He has been the Chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Intelligent Informatics since 2023.

Jimmy joined York University as an Assistant Professor in 2003. Previously, he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo. He did his Ph.D. at City, University of London, U.K. He was early- tenured in 2006, promoted to Full Professor in 2011 and awarded as York Research Chair in 2016. He also serves as steering committee members of review and adjudication panels for Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada, Canada Research Chair, Industrial Research Chair, MRI Early Researcher Awards Program and National Science Foundation of USA. He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist, a Fellow of the British Computer Society and a Senior Member of IEEE. He received the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Research in 2006, the Premier’s Research Excellence Award in 2007, the Petro Canada Young Innovators Award in 2008, the Best Paper Award at the 32nd European Conference on Information Retrieval in 2010 and LA&PS Award for Distinction in Research, Creativity and Scholarship in 2015. He has been selected as a 2024 York University Research Award Winner.



Position statement.     Computing and Generative AI have become ubiquitous, impacting every aspect of our lives from shopping and media to education and finance. They are also fundamental to advancements in science and technology. As part of a world’s largest association of technical professionals, IEEE Computer Society (CS) is well positioned to serve the needs of members coming from such a wide range of backgrounds. 

I am a researcher and educator with a keen interest in interdisciplinary applications. I have spearheaded the development of new interdisciplinary graduate programs and have been an active participant in multiple research communities. Recently, I have also gained significant industry experience. My unique blend of interdisciplinary research interests, educational and research community service, and industry experience allows me to understand the needs of various communities with computational requirements. 

If elected, I will strive for stronger and more impactful IEEE CS by i) enhancing educational efforts for a much broader outreach and provide means of more accessible dissemination of knowledge to the public and society members; ii) improving quality assessment and control of research and publications; iii) fostering connections with the other professional organizations and communities to increase the visibility and impact of IEEE CS.  

Biography.   Ümit V. Çatalyürek concurrently holds appointments as a Professor of Computational Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology and as an Amazon Scholar at the Amazon Web Services. Prior joining Georgia Institute of Technology, he was a Professor and Vice Chair of the Department of Biomedical Informatics, and Professor in the Departments of Electrical & Computer Engineering, and Computer Science & Engineering at the Ohio State University. He received his Ph.D., M.S. and B.S. in Computer Engineering and Information Science from Bilkent University, Türkiye, in 2000, 1994 and 1992, respectively. 

Dr. Çatalyürek is a Fellow of IEEE and SIAM. He was the elected Chair for IEEE TCPP for 2016-2019, and the Vice-Chair for ACM SIGBio for 2015-2021 terms. He also serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of Bilkent University.

Dr. Çatalyürek served as the Editor-in-Chief for Parallel Computing 2017-2023. In the past, he served on the editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Computing, SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, and Network Modeling and Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics. He has been actively serving on the steering, organizing, and program committees of numerous international conferences. 

Dr. Çatalyürek is a recipient of an NSF CAREER award and is the primary investigator of several awards from the Department of Energy, the National Institute of Health, and the National Science Foundation.  He has co-authored more than 200 peer-reviewed articles, invited book chapters and papers. His main research areas are in parallel computing, combinatorial scientific computing and biomedical informatics. More information about Dr. Çatalyürek and his research group can be found at and



Position statement.     My goal will be to work on engaging more industry professionals/individuals/organisations to participate and collaborate with IEEE Computer Society, and to lead the way in building new collaborative alliances and partnerships. My 20+ industry experience will be especially beneficial, plus my efforts on public policy initiatives and across-collaboration with government, industry and academia bodes well with this effort.

My other goal will be to ensure that IEEE Computer Society remains relevant and topical to the rapidly changing technological world. Science and technology innovations can be a force multiplier for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). Our sustainability and societal relevance will be a measure of our contributions to addressing these vital issues. Whether it is electric vehicles, hydrogen, to ethical sourcing, trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, or green energy for blockchain mining, IEEE CS must position itself as a ‘change agent’ and ‘direction setter’. Attracting the next generation of CS students (Gen-Z) who are native advocates for ESG will no longer depend strictly on STEM, rather on our stand on emerging issues, such as responsible and trustworthy AI, equitable Digital Health etc. 

Finally, we must invite and include Gen-Z and SYP to co-create their future, ensuring diversity of thoughts and generations.

Biography.   Dr. Cyril Onwubiko is a Senior Member IEEE, 2024 Vice President, Professional and Educational Activities Board (PEAB), 2022-2024 Board of Governor (BoG), 2020-2022 Distinguished Speaker (DVP), & Distinguished Contributor, IEEE Computer Society; Past Secretary, IEEE United Kingdom and Ireland Section; Past Founding Chair, IEEE United Kingdom and Ireland Blockchain Group. An active IEEE member for over 15 years, he has served in several other roles: Executive Member of the IEEE UK and Ireland Computer Society Chapter, Member of the European Public Policy Committee (EPPC) Working Group on ICT, responsible to the IEEE Board of Directors for the coordination of public policy activities, Reviewer to the IEEE Security & Privacy, IEEE Intelligence & Security Informatics (ISI), Young Professionals, Women in Engineering, Guest Editor, IEEE HKN (The BRIDGE) etc. 

Cyril has 20 years of industry experience in Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, and Blockchain. He is currently the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Research Series Limited, London. Previously, he was Senior Director of Enterprise Security Architecture at Pearson. He has also worked in the Financial Services, Telecommunications, Health, Government, and Public Services sectors.

Cyril is a graduate of the University of Oxford, Said Business School, Organisational Leadership program. He holds a PhD in Computer Network Security from Kingston University, London, UK; MSc in Internet Engineering, and BSc, first class honours, in Computer Science & Mathematics. He has authored and edited several books (8) and published over 40 peer-reviewed articles in leading academic journals and conferences. He is the Editor of the Cyber Science series, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal on Cyber Situational Awareness (IJCSA), and Founder of the Centre for Multidisciplinary Research, Innovation and Collaboration (C-MRiC), a not for profit and nongovernmental organisation dedicated to the advancement of outstanding research and innovation through collaboration ( For more information, please visit 


Sven Dickinson


Position statement.     In his leadership roles as Computer Science Department Chair at the University of Toronto and as inaugural Head of the Samsung AI Research Center, Dickinson has had to face a variety of complex challenges in finance, HR, strategic planning, fund-raising, and communication.  His management style is to engage all stakeholders in decision-making, and lead by consensus.  In his academic leadership role, he’s introduced both education and research initiatives, while at Samsung, he built out the Center, developing a strategic research vision, and recruiting some 40 people to execute that vision. In both roles, he understands the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in creating a successful working environment in which individuals realize their full potential.

Dickinson brings a valuable perspective to the IEEE, which must advocate for members in both academia and industry.  Through his academic role, he understands the value the IEEE can bring to students and faculty, in terms of education and research, while through his industrial role, he understands the value the IEEE can bring to scientists and engineers, in terms of professional development.  In both roles, his expertise has helped him navigate the explosive growth of AI and manage its impact on research, education, and industry.

Biography.    Sven Dickinson received the B.A.Sc. degree in Systems Design Engineering from the University of Waterloo, in 1983, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Maryland, in 1988 and 1991, respectively. He is Professor and past Chair of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto, where he’s been a faculty member since 2000.  From 2018-2024, he took a leave from the university to serve as Vice President and inaugural Head of the Samsung AI Research Center, in Toronto, where be built up a team of over 40 individuals conducting research in AI.  Prior to coming to the University of Toronto, he was a faculty member at Rutgers University where he held a joint appointment between the Department of Computer Science and the Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science (RuCCS). Prior to his academic career, he worked in the computer vision industry, designing image processing systems for Grinnell Systems Inc., San Jose, CA, 1983-1984, and optical character recognition systems for DEST, Inc., Milpitas, CA, 1984-1985.

Dickinson’s research interests revolve around the problem of shape perception in both computer vision and human vision. He has received the National Science Foundation CAREER award, the Government of Ontario Premiere’s Research Excellence Award, and the Lifetime Research Achievement Award from the Canadian Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society. He was the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, from 2017-2021, currently serves on seven editorial boards, and is co-editor of the Morgan & Claypool Synthesis Lectures on Computer Vision.  He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and a Fellow of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR).  He has a distinguished record of service to the IEEE, as reflected in his being appointed an IEEE Golden Core Member.


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