Bots in Software Engineering

IEEE Computer Society Team
Published 02/27/2023
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Bots in Software EngineeringAs the pace of digital innovation and software engineering increases, developers have increasingly turned to bots to handle mundane, repetitive tasks. 80% of people have interacted with a chatbot at some point, and the global bot market was valued at a whopping $1.6 billion in 2022, with projections to hit $6.7 billion by 2027. The need for businesses to reduce costs while maximizing output is the main driving factor behind the rapid adoption of bots.

There are several different types of bots, such as chatbots that provide customer service help or artificial intelligence-enabled virtual assistants like Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa. Software bots typically handle simple tasks such as organizing data, parsing text, collecting information, or processing tasks. There are many benefits to using bots, such as increased productivity, lower costs, increased accuracy, better customer experiences, and increased flexibility.

Once programmed, bots are highly skilled at automating tasks like invoice processing or customer routing, leaving humans free to do more complex tasks. They’re used in virtually every industry in some capacity, from cataloging products in e-commerce to creating new patient charts in healthcare or automating data entry in the supply chain.



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Bots in Software Development

Software development is no different; bots are increasingly used to flag bugs, answer user questions, and create tasks in GitHub. In September 2017, the TODO bot was released on GitHub, mainly to automate the process of technical debt.

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