It’s name is “Baby X” and it is using the latest technology in machine learning, bioengineering, and computer vision research to continue learning. Although still in the early stages, Baby X is currently able to copy facial expressions, read words aloud, and play basic games.
The intent is to use algorithms to better understand the way a human brain learns and how the chemical interactions contribute to the process. As a result, Baby X is able to view an action like a facial expression, learn from it, and be able to mimic it. Much like the basic learning process of a human toddler. Soon, researchers hope to reach a point where Baby X is able to learn on its own, with little to no help from software engineers and be able to learn on its own much like a real toddler.
The Laboratory for Animate Technologies is developing a whole series of biologically-inspired simulations of neural networks, biomechanical facial expressions, and brain language. Read more about their research on their website.