Deciding which of the hundreds of available tech conferences to attend can feel daunting. Understandably, you want every conference you participate in to be worthwhile. This includes providing you with an opportunity to learn from professionals, network with like-minded attendees, and enhance your knowledge in your field. Fortunately, most conferences in 2021 will remain virtual. This allows you to attend international events and tech conferences that you may not have been able to before! It also makes the competition even more fierce.
Although we wish you could attend ALL of the 200+ IEEE Computer Society tech conferences, we know that just isn’t realistic. So, here are our top conferences that you cannot afford to miss in 2021. From virtual reality to security and privacy, these tech conferences will leave you feeling confident and prepared.

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Cloud Summit provides a unique international forum for researchers, developers, and practitioners to present cutting-edge research and best practices, and to exchange ideas and views on the current trends and technical challenges related to Cloud, Fog, Internet of Things, and Edge Computing as well as their applications for societal benefit.
All accepted and presented papers/poster abstracts in IEEE Cloud Summit will be published in the conference proceedings by IEEE Computer Society’s Conference Publishing Services (CPS) and included in the IEEE Xplore.
HEMPSTEAD, USA / 21-22 October 2021
VIS is the leading forum for advances in theory, methods, and applications of visualization and visual analytics. The conference will assemble an international community of prominent researchers and practitioners from government, universities, and industry to collaborate and explore the design and use of visualization tools.
IEEE VIS is the world’s largest and most important conference on Scientific Visualization, Information Visualization and Visual Analytics. VIS will be the year’s premier forum for advances in theory, methods, and applications of visualization and visual analytics.
LOUISIANA, USA / 24-29 October 2021
The ASE conference is the premier research forum for Automated Software Engineering. Each year, it brings together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss foundations, techniques, and tools for automating the analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance of large software systems.
Participating in this conference provides you with the opportunity to network with leading software engineering professionals members of your field.
MELBOURNE, AU / 15-19 November 2021
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Hardware plays an increasingly important and integral role in system security with many emerging system and application vulnerabilities and defense mechanisms relating to hardware. IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST) aims to facilitate the rapid growth of hardware-based security research and development by highlighting new results in the area of hardware and system security. Relevant research topics include techniques, tools, design/test methods, architectures, circuits, and applications of secure hardware.
HOST is the leading hardware-oriented security and trust conference that publishes its proceedings in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, featuring robust exhibits showcase to network with experts and access tools needed to advance hardware-oriented security and trust research projects and applications in the near and long term.
Discover innovations, learn about new research that is critical to your future projects, and meet researchers and experts for inspiration, solutions, and practical ideas you can put to use immediately at HOST.
Washington DC, USA / 12-15 December 2021
The IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) is the world’s premier research conference in data mining. It provides an international forum for presentation of original research results and exchange with industry professionals.
ICDM draws researchers, application developers, and practitioners from a wide range of data mining related areas such as big data, deep learning, pattern recognition, statistical and machine learning databases, and beyond. By promoting high-quality research findings and innovative solutions to challenging data mining problems, the conference seeks to improve and advance the industry.
AUCKLAND, NZ / 7-9 December 2021
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IEEEVR has become the single, premier conference focusing on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces.
Beginning in 1993, the IEEE Virtual Reality conference began the leading international conference for search results in virtual reality. At the same time, the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), which began as an interactive workshop in 2004, became the primary conference for 3D user interfaces and 3D interaction in VR environments. In 2018, the two conferences merged into a single conference, resulting in IEEEVR.
IEEEVR presents revolutionary research and accomplishments by key VR innovators, including scientists, engineers, designers, artists, and beyond. The conference is globally recognized for introducing upcoming discoveries and improvements in VR, through presentations, networking, and workshops.
VIRTUAL / 27 March – 3 April 2021
IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) is the annual flagship IEEE conference discussing research issues in designing, building, managing, and evaluating advanced data-intensive systems and applications. IEEE ICDE has been a prominent forum for researchers, practitioners, developers, and users to explore leading ideas and to collaborate, exchange techniques, tools, and experiences for over 30 years.
Participate in the 37th interactive digital forum for educational exchanges, scientific news, and best practice updates in data engineering.
VIRTUAL / 19-22 April 2021
IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) is the annual flagship IEEE conference discussing research issues in designing, building, managing, and evaluating advanced data-intensive systems and applications. IEEE ICDE has been a prominent forum for researchers, practitioners, developers, and users to explore leading ideas and to collaborate, exchange techniques, tools, and experiences for over 30 years.
Participate in the 37th interactive digital forum for educational exchanges, scientific news, and best practice updates in data engineering.
VIRTUAL / 19-22 April 2021
IPDPS is an annual international forum where engineers and scientists from around the world present their latest research findings in all aspects of parallel computation.
In addition to technical sessions of submitted paper presentations, the meeting offers a variety of workshops, tutorials, and commercial presentations & exhibits to encourage networking and knowledge sharing. This conference is a testament to the strength of international cooperation in seeking to apply computer science technology to better the world – and you can be a part of it!
VIRTUAL / 17-21 May 2021
Over three decades, the ISVLSI has promoted multidisciplinary research and new visionary approaches in the area of very large-scale integration (VLSI), bringing together leading scientists and researchers from both academia and industry.
Explore emerging trends, ideas, and concepts covering a broad range of topics in the area of VLSI: from VLSI circuits, systems and design methods, to system-level design issues, to bringing VLSI design to new areas and technologies such as nano and molecular devices, security, artificial intelligence, Internet-of-Things, and beyond.
FLORIDA, USA / 7-9 July 2021
COMPSAC is the IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software and Applications. It is a major international forum for academia, industry, and government to discuss research results and advancements, emerging challenges, and future trends in computer and software technologies and applications. The theme of COMPSAC 2021 is “Intelligent and Resilient Computing for a Collaborative World.”
The technical program includes keynote addresses, research papers, industrial case studies, plenary and specialized panels, fast abstracts, a doctoral symposium, poster sessions, and a number of workshops and tutorials on emerging and important topics.
VIRTUAL / 12-16 July 2021
Information Reuse and Integration (IRI) seeks to maximize the utility of information by creating simple, rich, and cost-effective knowledge representations and ontologies.
Self-driving cars and artificial intelligence rely on data science, with those intelligent applications deriving from IRI. IRI integrates this knowledge into systems and applications, playing a pivotal role in the capture, representation, maintenance, integration, and extrapolation of information and the knowledge derived from it.
The IEEE IRI conference serves as a forum for researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government to present, discuss, and exchange ideas that address real-world problems with real-world solutions, including theoretical and applied papers. The conference program will include special sessions, open forum workshops, panels, and keynote speeches.
VIRTUAL / 11-13 August 2021
SERVICES 2021 is the only premier professional event for the services computing field offered by IEEE.
Centered around services computing and applications, SERVICES 2021 covers various systems and networking research pertaining to cloud, edge and Internet-of-Things (IoT), as well as technologies for intelligent computing, learning, Big Data and blockchain applications. In particular, the 2021 Congress will welcome papers on the impact of COVID-19 on services and corresponding infrastructure. In addition, the Congress will also include symposia and workshops supporting deep-dive discussions on emerging important topics, and complement the SERVICES 2021 program with industry and application presentations and panels.
Authors are invited to prepare early and submit original papers to any of these conferences at All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers.
VIRTUAL / 5-10 September 2021
The fast-paced development of innovative computing technologies that constitute truly societal-scale social media systems, and the equally large-scale impacts – good and bad – that those systems have on day-to-day life, are among the defining issues of our time.
The IEEE Computer Society’s new Tech Forum on Mitigating Societal Harms in a Social Media World brings together policymakers and technologists to explore the intersection of current technical efforts with public policies, and the resulting impacts to society.
Technology leaders, policy makers, researchers, and concerned computing professionals are joining to collectively explore current and emerging challenges and responses. These are conversations you don’t want to miss!
VIRTUAL / 21-22 September 2021
This conference will bring together representatives from industry, academia, and research to share their insights and discuss advances in 5G and beyond as well as address challenges in future networks deployment.
The theme for this global 5G event is “5G and Beyond: A Comprehensive Look at Future Networks.” The conference will bring together contributors who have been cultivating future networks technology and applications for the benefit of society. And it will emphasize novel architectures that support not only traditional mobile broadband technology but also vertical industry.
VIRTUAL + Montreal, Canada / 13-15 October 2021
See the latest quantum technologies that will shape our exciting quantum future. Quantum Week brings together quantum professionals, researchers, educators, entrepreneurs, champions and enthusiasts to exchange and share their experiences, challenges, research results, and innovations on all aspects of quantum computing, engineering and technologies.
IEEE Quantum Week is a highly multidisciplinary quantum computing and engineering venue where you can discuss challenges and opportunities with leaders in quantum computing from the world’s leading companies, start-ups, national labs, research institutes, and universities. IEEE Quantum Week will showcase quantum research, practice, applications, education, and training including programming systems, software engineering methods & tools, and beyond. Network with members of the quantum community and learn from engineering innovators at Quantum 2021.
VIRTUAL / 18-22 October 2021