Attend the first annual IEEE InTech Forum on the computing industry’s response and resilience to Covid-19.
Discover how computer science and engineering professionals responded to Covid-19 and walk away with actionable insights on how to prepare your organization for future social disruptions.
It goes without saying that this year’s experiences have yielded new leading practices and innovations in response to Covid-19. Problem solvers from around the world are presenting at the IEEE InTech Forum, delivering new ideas, solutions, and case studies stemming from this global crisis.
Over two days in December, the InTech Forum will examine how the tech industry responded to Covid-19, diving into the rapid response to changing conditions, as well as exploring how to prepare for the future and the new paradigms for conducting business during this volatile age.
The InTech Forum is bringing together key stakeholders to discuss cutting edge examples of technology development and collaboration. Key topics of discussion will also include bioinformatics, predictive detection, social distancing, telework, human robot collaboration, and more.
Computer science professionals at all levels are interested in learning how the tech industry has stepped-up in response to Covid-19.
Attend the IEEE InTech Forum for access to thought-leaders, high-value presentations, interactions with like-minded professionals and gain actionable insights to prepare yourself and your company for the future.
Does Insurance Have a Future in Governing Cybersecurity?
Human Behavior Aware Energy Management in Residential Cyber-Physical Systems
Machine Learning Systems and Intelligent Applications
Developing Children’s Regulation of Learning in Problem-Solving With a Serious Game
Program details:
- Four guest keynotes, including a speaker from The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
- 24 presentations from a worldwide group of innovators and influencers
Some of our speakers include:
Jim Spohrer
Jim Spohrer directs IBM’s open source Artificial Intelligence developer ecosystem effort. He led IBM Global University Programs, co-founded IBM Almaden Service Research, and was IBM CTO Venture Capital Group. After his MIT BS in Physics, he developed speech recognition systems at Verbex (Exxon) before receiving his Yale PhD in Computer Science/AI. In the 1990’s, he attained Apple Computers’ Distinguished Engineer Scientist and Technologist role for next generation learning platforms. With over ninety publications and nine patents, he received the Gummesson Service Research award, Vargo and Lusch Service-Dominant Logic award, Daniel Berg Service Systems award, and a PICMET Fellow for advancing service science.
Roberto Desimone
Roberto has over 30 years expertise in exploiting emerging technologies for government/commercial clients, especially for military command decision-making and crisis response management tasks, with a PhD in machine learning (1989) from Edinburgh University. Since 2010, he has been leading a team of maverick scientists, engineers and consultants at BAE Systems Applied Intelligence, exploiting these emerging technologies for disruptive business applications. He is also working part-time as an Entrepreneur in Residence at the Quantum Engineering Technology Laboratory at Bristol University (funded by the Royal Society), and a Visiting Professor of quantum systems engineering at Loughborough University.
Dr. Rita Singh
Dr. Rita Singh is an Associate Research Professor at the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, USA. Her academic career spans over two decades of research on a wide range of topics in the areas of speech and audio processing, Her current work is focused on developing the science of profiling humans from their voice, a sub-area of Artificial Intelligence and Voice Forensics. The technology pioneered by her group has led to two world firsts: In September 2018, her team created the world’s first live voice-based human profiling system, demonstrated live at the World Economic Forum. In 2019 her group also created the world’s first instance of human voice – that of the artist Rembrandt – generated entirely based on evidence from facial images.
Dr. Xin Gao
Dr. Xin Gao is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia. He is also the Associate Director of the Computational Bioscience Research Center, Deputy Director of Smart Health Initiative, and the lead of the Structural and Functional Bioinformatics Group at KAUST. Dr. Gao’s research group works on building computational models, developing machine learning techniques, and designing efficient and effective algorithms to tackle key open problems along the path from biological sequence analysis, to 3D structure determination, to function annotation, to understanding and controlling molecular behaviors in complex biological networks, and, recently, to biomedicine and healthcare. He has published more than 200 papers in the fields of bioinformatics and machine learning. He is the associate editor of Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, BMC Bioinformatics, and Quantitative Biology, Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
Abhinav Agrawal
Rocket (www.getrocket.com) is an AI enabled recruiting company funded by top VCs. Rocket pairs machine learning with human recruiters to help companies hire top talent. Previously Abhinav was VP @ SurveyMonkey, Co-founder & CEO @Renzu (acquired by SurveyMonkey), VP of Product @ Zynga, PM @ Amazon EC2, and Engagement Manager @ McKinsey & Company. Abhinav has an MBA from Harvard Business School (Baker Scholar) and BSE in Electrical Engineering from Princeton (Summa cum Laude).