Format: Asynchronous
Nominal duration: Self-paced Learning – Approximate Time: 80 minutes
Professional Development Hours (PDH) : 1.3
Continuing Education Credits (CEU) : 0.13
Foundations of Software Security

Course Description:
Software security is becoming increasingly important due to the numerous emerging threats exploiting software vulnerabilities. This course provides a broad overview of various software security threats and some of the most effective countermeasures used to thwart both well-known and newly emerging software security threats.
Through this course, software practitioners will learn how to build security into their software products throughout its lifecycle. Although it is impossible to accomplish “perfect security” in software, participants will be exposed to the best practices and tools available today to help minimize their chance of falling victim to common software security attacks.
Module 1-Introduction to Software Security
Significance/importance of software security
Software security terminology
Software security resources (both online and offline)
Module 2-Sources of software security threats
Hardware level threats
Code level threats
Detailed design level threats
Architecture level threats
Requirements level threats
Module 3-Software security best practices
Security requirements elicitation
Secure architecture best practices
Detailed secure design best practices
Secure coding best practices
Secure deployment and operations best practices
Module 4: Software security lifecycle
General software lifecycle vs. secure software lifecycle
Architectural risk analysis
Project management
Module 5: Software security testing
Code analysis
White box testing
Penetration testing
Security testing tools
Module 6: Careers in Software Security – outlook and preparation
Significance/importance of software security
Software security terminology
Software security resources (both online and offline)
Module 2-Sources of software security threats
Hardware level threats
Code level threats
Detailed design level threats
Architecture level threats
Requirements level threats
Module 3-Software security best practices
Security requirements elicitation
Secure architecture best practices
Detailed secure design best practices
Secure coding best practices
Secure deployment and operations best practices
Module 4: Software security lifecycle
General software lifecycle vs. secure software lifecycle
Architectural risk analysis
Project management
Module 5: Software security testing
Code analysis
White box testing
Penetration testing
Security testing tools
Module 6: Careers in Software Security – outlook and preparation
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