CLOSED Call for Papers: Special Section on Emerging and Impacting Trends on Computer Arithmetic

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Submissions Due: 1 November 2020

Authors are invited to submit a manuscript to this Special Section on Emerging and Impacting Trends on Computer Arithmetic. Relevant topics of interest to this special section should be in an emerging and impacting domain of computer arithmetic. Topics include (but are not limited to):

  1. Foundations of computer arithmetic: innovative number systems and their applications, emerging arithmetic algorithms and their analysis and applications, and elementary function algorithms for emerging architectures and applications.
  2. Efficient, low-power, and novel implementations of computer arithmetic: processors and units, elementary and special functions, multiple-precision, interval arithmetic, etc.
  3. Floating-point units and algorithms, and properties of floating-point arithmetic in emerging domains and applications.
  4. Standards, high-level language, and compiler impact on emerging arithmetic systems.
  5. Test, verification, formal proof, computer aided design (CAD) automation, and fault/error-tolerance for computer arithmetic emerging architectures and implementations.
  6. New arithmetic paradigms and architectures for FPGAs or configurable logic.
  7. New arithmetic paradigms and architectures for specific application domains such as cryptography, security, neural networks, deep learning, signal processing, computer graphics, multimedia, computer vision, distributed and parallel computing (e.g., HPC), finance, etc.
  8. Computer arithmetic for emerging technologies and non-conventional computer arithmetic.
  9. Inexact and stochastic arithmetic algorithms, architectures and applications.
  10. New arithmetic paradigms (algorithms, architectures, implementations, …) for emerging technologies.


  • Paper submission deadline: November 1, 2020
  • Reviews completed and authors notified: February 1, 2021
  • Submission of minor revisions: February 22, 2021
  • Notification of final acceptance: March 8, 2021
  • Publication materials for final manuscripts: March 31, 2021

Submission Guidelines

Submitted papers must include a new significant contribution to computer arithmetic (simple applications of known computer arithmetic methods to other domains will not be considered). Submitted papers must include strong methodological contents as well as both a clear evaluation of the proposed solutions (based on models and/or implementation results) and comparisons with the state of the art. All the papers, including those of theoretical nature, must have clearly identified and realistic potential applications.

Papers under review elsewhere are not acceptable for submission. Extended versions of published conference papers (to be included as part of the submission together with a summary of differences) are welcome but there must have at least 40% of new impacting technical/scientific material in the submitted journal version and there should be less than 50% verbatim similarity level as reported by a tool (such as CrossRef). Papers not meeting all the above requirements will be administratively rejected. For additional information, please contact the guest editors by sending an email exclusively to

This special section is launched in the framework known as J1C2 (Journal 1st, Conference 2nd). In order to have their submitted manuscript considered for review, authors should clearly state in their cover letter that should the paper be accepted to the special issue, at least one of the authors agrees to register to the 28th IEEE International Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH) 2021 (, which will be held as a virtual event, and present the work in a regular session.

Due to space restrictions, timing constraints, or other compelling reasons, it is not guaranteed that all accepted submissions will be published in the conference-related issue of the journal. Authors of submissions receiving a minor revision recommendation after the first round of review will be allowed to resubmit a revised version for a second round of review. It is worth remembering that a “minor revision” decision is NOT to be interpreted as a “conditional acceptance” decision. As per IEEE policies and procedures, any submission to TETC can be rejected at any point in the review process. Authors of submissions receiving a major revision recommendation could resubmit their work for further review and possible publication in a future regular issue of the journal, but will be neither presented at the conference, nor will be considered for inclusion in the special issue. Authors of rejected submissions could consider submitting their work as a conference-only manuscript to ARITH 2021, with a separate submission and review process.

Guidelines on submission and LaTeX/Word templates can be found at While submitting through ScholarOne at, please select the option “Emerging and Impacting Trends on Computer Arithmetic.” As per TETC policies, only full-length papers (10-16 pages with technical material, double column, including references and bios) can be submitted to special sections. Papers beyond 12 pages will be subject to MOPC, as per CS policies.

Guest Editors

  • Mioara Joldes, LAAS-CNRS, France
  • Fabrizio Lamberti, Politecnico di Torino, Italy (IEEE Senior Member)

Corresponding TETC Associate Editor

  • Alberto Nannarelli, Technical University, Denmark (IEEE Senior Member)