CLOSED: Call for Papers: Chips 2023

27 - 29 August 2023 | Stanford, California, USA
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Submissions Due: 22 March 2023

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: 22 March 2023

Notification of Acceptance: 5 May 2023

About the Conference & Scope

Since it started in 1989, HOT CHIPS has been known as one of the semiconductor industry’s leading conferences on high-performance microprocessors and related integrated circuits. The conference is held once a year in August in the center of the world’s capital of electronics activity, Silicon Valley.The HOT CHIPS conference typically attracts more than 500 attendees from all over the world. It provides an opportunity for chip designers, computer architects, system engineers, press and analysts, as well as attendees from national laboratories and academia to mix, mingle and see presentations on the latest technologies and products. The three days of the conference typically feature two tutorials, two keynotes, a panel discussion and around 25 presentations on a variety of subjects related to microprocessors and integrated circuits. It is widely covered by the media; last year, we had about 25 members of the industry and national press covering the conference.Presentations at HOT CHIPS are in the form of 30-minute talks. Presentation slides are published in the HOT CHIPS proceedings and online in the archives section of the HOT CHIPS website. Participants are not required to submit written papers, but a select group are invited to submit a paper for inclusion in a special issue of IEEE Micro.The conference emphasis this year, as in previous years, is on real products and realizable technology. Submissions are invited from a variety of “hot” topics, including:
  • General-Purpose Processor Chips
    • High-Performance, Low-Power
    • Multi-Core and Highly-Reliable Systems
  • Domain-Specific Chips
    • Machine Learning, Vision and Graphics Chips
    • Data Analytics and Big Data Processing
    • IoT and Always-On Functions
    • Custom Chips for Emerging Applications
  • Reconfigurable Chips
    • FPGAs and FPGA-Based Systems
    • Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays
  • Security
    • Secure Hardware
    • Hardware Support for Software Security
  • Mobile and Embedded Devices
    • Graphics/Multimedia/Gaming
    • SoC, Security, and DSP Chips
  • Communications and Networking
    • Wireless LAN/WAN/PAN
    • Network and I/O Processors
  • Emerging Computing Architectures
    • Neuromorphic
    • Quantum Computing
  • Memory Technologies
    • MRAM, PCM, ReRAM, or FRAM
    • Persistent Memory, Phase Change
    • Packaging, 3D, Stacked
  • Other Enabling Technologies
    • Power and Thermal Management
    • Packaging and Testing
    • Display Technologies
    • On-Chip Optics & Sensors
    • Novel Computing Technologies
  • Software and Systems for Emerging Hardware
    • Programming Models, Runtime Systems
    • Performance, Power, Debug, and Evaluation

Submission​ ​Details

Submissions must consist of the following:

  • “Presentation” or “Poster”
  • Title
  • Extended abstract (two pages maximum)
  • Presenter’s contact information (name, affiliation, job title, address, phone(s), and email)
  • Indicate whether you have submitted, intend to submit, or have already presented or published a similar or overlapping submission to another conference or journal.
  • Indication if you would like the submission to be held confidential

Evaluation Criteria
Regular presentation and poster submissions are evaluated by the Program Committee on the basis of: performance of the device(s), degree of innovation, use of advanced technology, potential market significance and anticipated interest to the audience. Both regular presentation slides and posters are published in the Hot Chips proceedings.

Presentation Guidelines

Presentations at Hot Chips are in the form of 30-minute talks using PowerPoint or PDF. Presentation slides will be published in the Hot Chips Proceedings. Participants are not required to submit written papers, but selected papers will be invited to submit a paper for inclusion in a special issue of IEEE Micro.

Poster Guidelines
Poster submissions are also accepted from both industry and academia and consist of 4 slides with a one-page summary. In particular, student posters describing applied research performed at a university are encouraged. Program related questions/comments?


Contact the Program Committee Co-Chairs at For general inquiries, contact the email