Selected papers might be invited to submit extended journal articles to a special issue of Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (JoCCASA), impact factor 3.222.
The IEEE Cloud Summit provides a unique international forum for researchers, industrial partners, and funding agents to present cutting-edge research and best practices, and to exchange ideas and views on the current technical trends and challenges related to Cloud, Fog, Internet of Things, and Edge Computing as well as their applications for societal benefit.
The conference is mainly composed of three components of Research Track, Industry Forum, and Agency Panels. In the Research Track, original works of research papers and posters will be selected by a committee of research experts and organized into on-site technical sessions and presentations. In the Industry Forum, industry partners will share the latest information on recent developments, trends, management practices, new products, technologies, and methodologies. And in the Agency Panels, the conference will invite funding agencies from NSF, DoD, AFRL, and top-tier academic researchers to highlight their valuable visions and insights.
In 2023, the IEEE Cloud Summit will be technically sponsored by the IEEE Technical Committee on Cloud Computing (TCCLD), National Science Foundation (NSF), and many long-term industrial partners. The conference will be managed by the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), and hosted in the Baltimore/Washington International Airport (BWI) area.
Call for Research Papers/Posters
Submitted papers must be original, unpublished work and not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Authors may submit:
- Full papers not longer than 6 pages (up to 8 pages with extra page charges) or
- Extended abstracts for posters not longer than 4 pages.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Machine Learning & AI with Cloud/Fog
- Serverless Computing and Microservices
- Hybrid Clouds
- Mobile Edge/Fog Computing
- Cloud-based Cyber-Physical Systems
- Cloud Forensics
- Big Data Analytics with Cloud/Fog
- Low-Latency Edge Applications
- Fog-Cloud Interaction
- Security & Privacy in Cloud/Fog
- Big Data Virtualization
- QoS In Cloud and Fog Computing
- Graphics as a Service
- Cloud/Data Center Networking
- Mobile Sensing & Mobile Services with Cloud/Fog
All accepted and presented papers/poster abstracts in IEEE Cloud Summit will be published in the conference proceedings by IEEE Computer Society’s Conference Publishing Services (CPS) and included in the IEEE Xplore. Selected papers will also be invited to submit extended journal articles to a special issue of the Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems, and Applications (JoCCASA), impact factor 3.222.
Call for Industry Forum
The Industry Track is a forum to share real-world experience for emerging technologies and products across different domains, Work in progress and hot topics on real-world use-cases, demos, and practical experiences building and running industrial systems.
Submitted papers must be original, unpublished work and not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Authors may submit:
- Full papers not longer than 4 pages (up to 6 pages with extra page charges);
- Extended abstracts for posters not longer than 2 pages.
All accepted and presented papers/poster abstracts in IEEE Cloud Summit will be published in the conference proceedings by IEEE Computer Society’s Conference Publishing Services (CPS) and included in the IEEE Xplore.
Call for Tutorials/Demos
Research tutorials and demos (concern proofs-of-concept, early implementations, and prototypes) are also welcomed for the conference and will be hosted on the first conference day (July 6th, 2023).
The tutorial and demo proposals should be submitted to the conference chair directly, containing the following information:
- Tutorial title and length (2-hour or 4-hour session).
- Organizers’ names, titles, affiliations, and email contact.
- Short bio of the tutorial’s presenters.
- A brief tutorial content description.
The proposals will be evaluated by the tutorial chair and the conference committee based on their technical quality, relevance, and timeliness of the topic and the quality of the proposal.