CLOSED [CFP] IEEE Visualization Conference

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Submissions Due: 31 March 2019

Call For Participation

IEEE VIS 2019 is the premier forum for advances in visualization for academia, government, and industry. This week-long event brings together researchers and practitioners with a shared interest in visualization. IEEE VIS 2019 is now soliciting novel research contributions and innovative applications in all areas of visualization as captured by its three main conference tracks:

IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science & Technology (VAST):
Papers in VAST typically focus on problems that integrate data analysis algorithms and visual interfaces to support data analysis and analytical reasoning.

IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (InfoVis):
Papers in InfoVis typically relate to the design or evaluation of new or improved visual encodings or interaction techniques of abstract data (such as graphs, tables, or text data).

IEEE Conference on Scientific Visualization (SciVis):
Papers in SciVis typically focus on new or improved visual encodings, mathematical models, algorithms, or interaction techniques for the visualization of data related to science and engineering, as well as integration into novel applications and systems.

Which conference track should I submit to?
We encourage you to allocate your submission to one of the three tracks above. But if you are unsure, you will have the option to allow the paper chairs to allocate your paper to the one they deem the most appropriate.

Where will papers appear?
Full papers accepted to IEEE InfoVis, SciVis, and most of VAST will appear in a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). Some papers of the VAST conference will be published as archival, conference publications.

Submission Guidelines and Reviewing Criteria

As the leading academic event on visualization research, IEEE VIS expects important, impactful, and potentially transformative contributions. Submissions will be judged on their importance, potential impact, degree to which the evidence supports the findings, appropriateness of methodology, and the research process followed. Papers and any supplemental material are only conditionally accepted and will undergo a full revision and review cycle after initial notification of review results. During this time, reviewers will ensure that necessary conditions for acceptance have been met in the new revision.

Additionally, IEEE VIS 2019 will feature a separate, short papers track with a submission deadline of June 13, 2019, after notifications for full papers have been sent out. You can find out more in the call for participation for IEEE VIS Short Papers.

The submission system and detailed paper submission guidelines will be available soon.

The three conference tracks at IEEE VIS 2019 use the same submission and review process. The conferences differ in the topics, emphasis, and approach, as described in the conference-specific for VASTInfoVis, and SciVis.

Open Access Policy

Visualization research is better communicated and acted on if it is freely accessible to the research community, practitioners, and the general public. Therefore, all paper authors are encouraged to share their accepted paper in an open access repository before the print deadline in accordance with IEEE copyright regulations.
