Cecilia Metra (Elected)
Position statement. Technical dissemination and cooperation among scientists and engineers are essential ingredients for continuous scientific innovation and advancement. The Computer Society (CS) is at the forefront in these endeavors. A firmly member-focused leadership is needed to create more opportunities on a worldwide scale. If elected, I will devote all my energy to provide such a member-focused leadership, because members are the Computer Society. Wherever geographically located, whichever language spoken, beyond gender or nationality: inclusiveness is the key to success. It is with this primary focus that I will also address the financial sustainability issues that the CS continues to face in its operations.
I will be your voice and ears, both within and outside the CS. I have a deep and broad understanding of the IEEE and CS financial models and products, as formed through my elected appointments and volunteer roles in conferences and publications. This adds to my scientific background in computing, which I have accomplished throughout my 26-year academic and professional career, as acknowledged by my Fellow elevation.
I will enhance collaboration with other IEEE Societies/Councils for a more integrated implementation of goals and services to meet our common mission.
I will proactively support conference activities by enabling the adoption of innovative meeting features to sustain members whose in-person attendance is not possible due to geographic location, financial situation, and/or busy work schedule. I will increase the attractiveness of our conferences to younger generations by establishing specific contexts devoted to them. I will improve the CS financial sponsorship model to meet organizational and financial needs of conference organizers and to sustain their community as first priority.
As for publications, I will boost the adoption of innovative communication media for improved dissemination and enhanced interaction among members, because efficient initiatives for professional development and career advancement are needed more than ever.
As percolated throughout the above plans, my primary focus will be to better serve the members and to meet their diverse needs. Moreover, I will enhance existing programs to acknowledge and reward volunteer services. The symbiotic relationship between the CS and its membership is one that must be rejuvenated and strengthened to ensure the success of each.
If elected, I am confident that, with your help, we will be able to achieve these goals together, for the continuous advancement of technology for the benefit of humanity.
For additional information please visit https://events.unibo.it/cecilia-metra-2018-ieee-computer-society-president-elect-candidate.
Biography. Cecilia Metra is a full professor at the University of Bologna, Italy, where she has worked since 1991, and from which she received a PhD in electronic engineering and computer science. In 2002, she was visiting faculty consultant for Intel Corporation.
She has been a member of the IEEE Computer Society (CS) Board of Governors since 2013, and of the IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation Board of Governors since 2015. She is 2017 vice president of CS Member and Geographic Activities, and served as CS Secretary in 2015 and Vice President for Technical and Conference Activities in 2014.
She was editor in chief of Computing Now and associate editor in chief of IEEE Transactions on Computers. She is on the IEEE The Institute Advisory Board as well as on editorial boards of several journals, including IEEE Design&Test, Journal of Electronic Testing, and Design Automation for Embedded Systems.
She served as first vice chair of the Test Technology Technical Council (TTTC), chair of the TTTC Educational Program, and chair of the TTTC Communication Group. She contributed to numerous IEEE international conferences/ symposia/workshops as general/program chair/cochair (14 times), vice-general/program chair/cochair (6 times), topic/track chair (34 times), and technical program committee member (91 times).
She has published extensively (185+ papers) on design for test and reliability of integrated circuits and systems. Her research has received public and private funding (from companies such as Intel Corporation, STMicroelectronics, etc.) at national and international levels. Her involvement with industry was also recognized by a joint patent with Philips Research.
She has received two Meritorious Service Awards and five Certificates of Appreciation from the IEEE CS. She is an IEEE Fellow, IEEE CS Golden Core Member, and a member of the IEEE Honor Society IEEE-HKN.
Hausi A. Müller
Position statement. IEEE Computer Society (CS) is the premier international organization for computing professionals, students, and researchers, providing leadership, foresight, influence, and direction in best practices, education, and leading-edge research. CS is a trusted source for computing technology information around the globe. CS volunteers inspire future generations of members through their leadership and contributions in technical committees and communities, editorial boards, conference committees, standards committees, and local chapters.
Computing is a critical foundation to breakthrough innovations developed in academic disciplines and industrial applications and one of the key drivers to productivity and economic growth. To be able to respond to the needs of our rapidly changing society and professions, CS must be agile and adaptive in its operations and outlook to champion technically and financially sound products and services for emerging topics and applications. To sustain CS’s excellence, we must focus on the quality and success of its core assets, including a wide spectrum of technical conferences for exchanging ideas and networking; digital libraries with high-quality journals, proceedings, and magazines; stimulating education and career development resources; global technology standards; the vision and dedication of a large network of staff and volunteers; and the vast technical expertise of its members, chapters, communities, and committees. CS must continue to earn the trust of computing professionals by providing extensive opportunities for career development, life-long learning, and networking at meetings.
It is imperative to concentrate on the two most critical CS challenges: (1) balancing CS’s financial stability with its mission—broadening technical activities while developing resilience to declining revenues; and (2) increasing membership at all levels, including students, young professionals, and practitioners. Other key challenges include promoting diversity and inclusiveness in computing; satisfying the needs of computing professionals and industry in CS activities; diversifying the engagement of members to increase their satisfaction; collaborating with other societies; expanding CS’s international reach and presence; and broadening the career development portfolio through strategic partnerships with corporations and institutions.
As a CS volunteer for many years, I gained broad experience across the entire society portfolio. Serving on the CS BoG, ExCom, and as VP, I gained deep insights into CS’s financial and technical challenges, including financial accountability and sustainability, synergistic collaboration among the CS Boards, and grooming the next generation of CS leaders. Thus, I am fully committed to serve CS’s members as president-elect. Please visit my CS election website: http://goo.gl/fqMPYE.
Biography. Hausi A. Müller is a professor of Computer Science and associate dean of research, Faculty of Engineering, at the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He joined IEEE in 1979 and has been an active member of the IEEE Computer Society (CS) for over 30 years. He is in his second term as VP of the IEEE CS Technical and Conferences Activities (T&C) Board (2016–2017), is an elected member of the CS Board of Governors (2015–2017), and was chair of the CS Technical Council on Software Engineering (TCSE). He served on the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering editorial board for 12 years. Müller is cofounder of the SEAMS conference series (ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems). He was general chair of the 23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference of Software Engineering (ICSE 2001) and 30th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2014), and was recently technical program cochair of IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2015 and 2018). He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and a CS Golden Core member, and received the 2016 TCSE Distinguished Service Award.
He is an international expert in software engineering, software evolution, cyber-physical systems, adaptive systems, smart and context-aware systems, and program understanding. With his students, he collaborates extensively with industry. He was president of a start-up company (1998–2001). He was the founding director of the accredited Bachelor of Software Engineering degree program in the Faculty of Engineering at University of Victoria. He co-organized the 2005 event honoring 90 computing pioneers in Canada. He also worked for three years for ABB. Müller received his BS in electrical engineering from ETH Zürich, Switzerland, and MS and PhD degrees in computer science from Rice University in Houston, Texas.