Electroencephalography (EEG) equipment has been a boon for clinicians to detect brain activities and take a necessary course of action to treat patients optimally. However, there have been limitations of the available devices as it is a time consuming to mark the points and set up equipment before carrying out tests. Moreover, clinicians have been demanding portable devices that can be worn by patient at their homes. Patients would carry out tests and provide remote access to clinicians. This would offer convenience and enable clinicians in providing better care. Making rapid informed treatment decisions with the help of new devices is possible with the breakthrough technology equipped in the new EEG devices. Years of research and development activities have come to fruition and new equipment have been or will be launched in the next few years. The medical community would be benefited highly with the help of novel EEG equipment.
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Researchers, scientists, and medical centers have been instrumental in development of EEG equipment for various age groups and conditions. As seizures are common in critically ill patients, the early detection would help in deciding the potential treatment and prevent them in future. An innovative system equipped with EEG has been developed to determine harmful brain patterns in only five minutes. Moreover, an EEG cap has been developed for pediatric patients suffering from autism and epilepsy. The devices of sizes of head of children were not available; however, the newly developed device would help clinicians in treatment of pediatric patients. A tech giant has gathered a team of engineers, researchers, and medical professionals to develop a device prototype that can track mental health conditions over time and determine if the person would get more depressed in the future. The potential of EEG will be unleashed through portable equipment in the future. According to the report published by Allied Market Research, the global electroencephalography (EEG) equipment market is projected to reach $1.99 billion by 2026. Following are some of the activities taking place across the world.
Researchers have been discovering new methods of utilizing EEG for improving lives of patients suffering from critical illnesses. Seizures have become common in critical patients, with 90% of them being non-convulsive in nature. However, researchers have found a way to detect the kind of seizures that show no signs outward. WVU Medicine Berkeley Medical Center launched an innovative technology with the help of Ceribell Rapid Response EEG program. This program is designed to provide the best possible care to critically ill patients.
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The Rapid Response EEG device would provide vital signals from brain of patients who show no outward signs. Through this device, researchers in the program obtained EEG information in only five minutes. With the conventional EEG devices, medical centers with around the clock EEG capabilities took nearly four hours to determine the harmful patterns in brains. However, the new device eliminates the limitations of the conventional device and helps medical professionals in carrying out triage rapidly. This device is nothing but a headband, recorder with intuitive software that can be fitted in a pocket, and an online portal. The device also offers the remote access to EEG data, and clinicians can provide a better care in the real time.
Innovative equipment to obtain EEG information has been developed and medical professionals have been striving to offer the optimum care to patients from each age group. Though EEG equipment have not been developed by keeping sizes of children or pediatric patients in mind, there might be a need to determine brain activities and sort out mental disorders. However, the team of researchers at Brain Scientific created a disposable EEG cap for pediatric patients. The cap size needed to be reduced and the testing time needed to be shortened. After months and years of brainstorming, discussions, and developments, the product has been launched.
The NeuroCap helps in diagnosis of children suffering from autism and offers various benefits in treatment of pediatric epilepsy. The disposable cap equipped with EEG contains 22 pre-gelled electrodes along with 19 active EEG channels. Moreover, it eliminates the time-consuming processes of measurement and marking on the head of a patient. The design has been made comfortable for pediatrics and rapid results of test helps in rapid diagnosis and decision making for treatment of pediatric patients.
Tech giants have been diving into the medical sector with their technologically advanced devices that can help patients suffering from mental disorders. Alphabet’s research group X developed a brain-monitoring device containing an EEG technology. The portable EEG equipment has an ability to monitor mental health conditions of people over time. This device can gather data that can be interpreted for objective measurement of mental health conditions such as depression. The research group developed a prototype, which looks like a swimming cap. A team of software engineers, neuroscientists, and experts worked on the Project Amber for development of this device.
Many clinicians and healthcare professionals have been interested in utilizing EEG capabilities to determine whether a person would get more depressed in the future. This device is designed to offer capabilities to clinicians to determine the mental state of patients and prevent them from worsening mental health conditions. The company would publish the design of hardware and the code behind the software for free. Though it is a prototype now, the approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration would make its use widespread.
Author Bio – Pratik Kirve is writer, blogger, and sport enthusiast. He holds a bachelor degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering and currently working as a Team Lead – Content Writing at Allied Market Research. He has avid interest in writing news articles across different verticals. When he is not following updates and trends, he spends his time reading, writing poetry, and playing football. He can be reached at pratik.kirve@alliedmarketresearch.net
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