Providing new opportunities for diversity and inclusiveness (in gender, age, geographical location and affiliation) is one of the main 2019 goals of the IEEE Computer Society. To achieve it, the IEEE Computer Society is providing financial support for conference attendance to deserving early-career women in computing.
The travel grants are available for several 2019 IEEE Computer Society sponsored technical conferences.
The IEEE Asian Test Symposium (ATS) 2019 Conference, that will be held in Kalkata, India, on 10-13 December 2019.
The ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA) 2019, that will be held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 3-7 November 2019.
Please join us in our efforts for improved diversity and inclusiveness in all Computer Society activities!

Cecilia Metra
2019 IEEE Computer Society President