Indy Gupta
Published 10/20/2021
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Immigrant Podcast Ep 9New continent! Two new countries!

This week we visit Iran and Lebanon and talk to two early-career and already-successful entrepreneurs.

1. Soodeh Farokhi from Iran, who is the founder of a successful AI startup in Canada and was already a successful startup founder in Iran – Oh, and she got a Ph.D. in between Iran and Canada, so she talks about whether a Ph.D. helps one be a better entrepreneur! And she has some neat tips for women looking to manage both a family and a career!

2. Fadel Adib from Iran, currently an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT. He talks about growing up surrounded by war and bombings, and helping with humanitarian work. And he has some neat tips for everyone to look at their research in an entrepreneurial way!

Also in this episode: Discovering the Entrepreneur gene; The Immigrant Gene; Arabic and Farsi languages; Studying for SAT exam in Lebanon in the middle of a war; Highly competitive Konkour entrance exam in Iran; Impostor Syndrome; Sshh, the secret to a woman managing a family and a career simultaneously!

The guide for this episode and more information about the three narrators is available at the podcast website:

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