The proliferation of cloud-computing networks in recent years has created a need for more security and privacy personnel in the field. For this ComputingEdge issue, we asked Christian Esposito, associate researcher at the University of Naples Federico II about cloud-computing career opportunities. Esposito’s research interests include cloud computing, distributed systems, middleware, dependability, ubiquitous computing, and artificial intelligence. He also coauthored the article “Encryption-Based Solution for Data Sovereignty in Federated Clouds” in IEEE Cloud Computing’s January/February 2016 issue.
ComputingEdge: What careers in cloud computing will see the most growth in the next several years, and why?
Esposito: One of the most important areas is security and privacy. By 2018, according to research and advisory firm Gartner Inc., the need to prevent data breaches from public clouds will drive 20 percent of organizations to develop data-security governance programs. In fact, information privacy and security is one of most critical issues for the cloud due to its open environment and the very limited control that users have over it. The possibility of using cloud computing to store and manage personal data, such as personal health records, exacerbates these concerns. Therefore, I see a growth in jobs for people who can design and implement cloud-security governance programs.
ComputingEdge: What would you tell college students to give them an advantage over the competition?
Esposito: The biggest disadvantage for college students considering a career in security and privacy for information systems in general and cloud computing in particular is a lack of knowledge about the field’s legal aspects. We approach security and privacy mostly as an IT challenge. However, we also need to learn a lot about the regulations and legal frameworks that cloud-computing platforms must comply with when dealing with sensitive data. Knowing about these matters represents a big advantage for future professionals.
ComputingEdge: What advice would you give people changing careers midstream?
Esposito: IT people should not treat cloud computing only as an IT technology but should also consider its many other implications. Cloud computing can open new market opportunities but also poses legal and other challenges. When changing careers to become a cloud-computing technician, people should study not only the technological aspects but also other related issues.
ComputingEdge: What do you consider to be the best strategies for professional networking?
Esposito: Nowadays, the best strategy is taking advantage of the growing number of websites focused on professional networking. These sites offer two advantages. First, they connect you to other professionals and expose you to job offers. And second, they give you a feel for the job market’s pulse and an understanding of industry needs so that you can adjust your résumé accordingly.
ComputingEdge: What should applicants keep in mind when applying for cloud computing jobs?
Esposito: Applicants should consider that most companies are not interested in pure technicians. Currently, they are looking for people who also have knowledge of the broader issues surrounding cloud computing, as well as the emergence of new business models and their implications for company goals and needs.

About Lori Cameron
ComputingEdge’s Lori Cameron interviewed Esposito for this article. Contact her at if you would like to contribute to a future ComputingEdge article on computing careers. Contact Esposito at