10 Primary Skills You Need to Possess to Become a Front End Web Developer Within JavaScript

Meravath Raju
Published 03/04/2022
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Teacher holding tablet showing JavaScript syntaxWho Is a Web Developer?

A web developer utilizes programming languages to create websites and other applications. These experts concentrate on front-end development related to building websites and back-end development. Some web developers work in full-stack mode, which combines forward-facing and back-end.

Design, publishing, and marketing agencies have web designers on staff. As part of their job, developers work with graphic designers, animators, writers, and computer managers. Developers incorporate the audio, graphic and visual content these professionals create into their design websites.

If you are new to web development and are considering changing to a career in IT, consider registering for an online JavaScript training course offered by Mindmajix – A Global online training platform.



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Essential Skills Required For A Front End Web Developer

As an undergraduate student in computer science or pursuing a program to become a software engineer or a program developer, there are specific technical skills you should master as a programmer. The realm of technology is vast, with various applications, platforms, and languages on the way to market. Whatever your level of expertise, whether you’re an experienced developer or a beginner, you should be able to integrate modern technology and other elements into your work for impressive results.

Below, we have summed up ten essential skills you must possess as a Front-End Web Developer.



JavaScript is at the top of the essential Web Developer skills and qualifications list. JavaScript is a programming language that lets users add complex features to your website. When creating websites, having a solid understanding of JavaScript will allow you to meet more client demands. It will enable you to create highly interactive websites focusing on user experience.

JavaScript is beneficial in responsive web pages. The client-side programming language allows you to include interactive features, such as slideshows, polls, and forms, in your site. It also provides dynamic elements such as, but not limited to scrolling, animation on pages, audio, video, and scrolling. Developers can also use JavaScript to build dynamic websites using specific characteristics (manipulate elements such as algorithmic thinking and other things), which help create an active online community. So if you’re looking to become a web developer, you cannot afford to miss JavaScript.



For a job as a web developer, you need to be knowledgeable of HTML and CSS. The markup language used for creating web pages is HyperText Markup Language (HTML). Web developers extensively employ it to determine the layout of web pages using markup. On the other side, CSS is used to design the structure of the page, its colors, fonts, and style. Both are necessary for a front-end developer to understand. HTML provides the base for creating websites, and the technology used to build custom websites incorporate distinct (and modern) options and capabilities.

HTML and CSS define the style and feel of a site that plays a vital role in attracting customers. Therefore, front End web developers need to be skilled in CSS for a clear and compelling presentation of HTML elements. In addition, they must possess a deep understanding of both programming languages to create an interactive, user-friendly, and engaging front-end for applications. For those who aren’t aware, HTML5 is the most current version, and you must begin studying it as soon as possible.


Algorithms and Data Structures

It is essential for most companies to evaluate their capability to solve problems and code. You can become successful as a software developer if you understand the structure of data and use it to solve a particular problem. If you’re a programmer, a college student studying computer science, or a self-taught programmer, you must make an effort to learn about data structure and algorithms. Both of them are essential to programming.

At first, most programmers are unaware of their importance; however, when you begin your journey in the field of software development, you’ll discover your code running time or take up a big area. You’ll know the importance of organizing data with the correct algorithm and data structure to solve a specific issue within a shorter period and in a smaller space.


DOM Manipulation

The Document Object Model (DOM) offers a programming interface to every document on the internet. It represents the structure and content of any document on the web, including the HTML and styles. Manipulating the DOM alters how content is displayed on every page. The DOM transforms every part of the web page into objects and nodes. This transformation lets developers use the model through JavaScript and any other object-oriented language.

The DOM has several APIs that allow front-end developers to alter the user experience to show content in the language they prefer, interacting with the site through the webcam. If you’re looking to create interactive websites that allow users to save their data or control their experience, manipulating the DOM is an essential front-end developer skill you should add to your arsenal.

Various technologies utilized in front-end web development build on the foundations of DOM manipulation, which can better alter the content users see to reflect their preferences. DOM manipulation lets you create experiences on the web that are customized and responsive.


Source Control

Source control aids developers in managing and storing their code. Most companies seek an experienced developer for version control and collaboration with team members. Version control systems are a piece of software specifically designed to monitor modifications made to code over time.

This program allows developers to check earlier code versions and change or restore the original version. The managing versions can also serve as source code backups, making collaboration much more accessible. For a successful software developer, you must be comfortable working with version control tools and concepts like Git, Mercurial, SVN, etc.



Testing is crucial for every project to ensure that bugs do not create problems. So, a front-end developer should be able as well as the ability to debug and test code. Various testing methods are used to develop websites to test a particular component of your website. For example, Unit-testing is a method that tests the smallest piece of code and then examines it in isolation for the correct execution. Testing is an integral element of the front-end development process, and there are JavaScript frameworks available to assist you.


How to Choose the Best JavaScript Framework

There’s no doubt that JavaScript is growing and changing quickly, and as time goes on, new JavaScript frameworks appear in the Development Community. Developers all over the world chose JavaScript Frameworks for building websites and app frameworks that work on all platforms. Even for a developer with a lot of experience, it can be hard to figure out which JavaScript or Front-End framework to use for their next big project. Before starting to put a project into action, it is often necessary to do a preliminary analysis to make sure you choose the right technology. Before starting a project, it needs to be carefully analyzed and evaluated. But there are a few key things that can help you decide ahead of time which technology to use for development: There’s no one-size-fits-all JavaScript framework for your project. Each project’s needs and each framework’s features are different. Consider complexity, compatibility, documentation, ease of use, and community support when picking a JavaScript framework.


Web Performance Optimization (WPO)

A website that is slow to load can cut down the amount of engagement by using optimization techniques for website performance to ensure faster loading speeds by automating tools.


Encryption and Cryptography

When creating a web application that uses sensitive user data, developers should implement an encrypted, secure key to protect themselves from attacks. The security of users’ data and preventing hackers from gaining access to a website are essential to every business developing an application. Therefore, the front-end developer must understand how encryption algorithms, authentication functions, and cryptography techniques work.


Basic design abilities

They should have basic design abilities. Understanding front-end design is vital for making a website appear attractive. A website with a clean, user-friendly design will always win customers’ hearts. Therefore, Front-end web developers should be aware of the fundamental design principles, such as UI and UX designs, prototypes, scaling, etc.


Non-Technical Skills- Communication, Problem-Solving

As a front-end web developer, you must ask questions and communicate expectations as a part of a team. Finally, front-end developers must possess excellent problem-solving abilities regardless of their job description or title, from finding the best way to implement a design to solving bugs that pop up. The development process is about problem-solving with creativity.


Final Words

These are just a few crucial front-end developer abilities you need to master if you wish to succeed in this area. Still, the underlying principles of front-end development are more versatile, including endless enthusiasm, a desire to explore, and critical thinking. So, if you’re beginning or are looking to broaden your options for career advancement, front-end development offers endless possibilities for future programmers.


About the Writer

Meravath Raju is a Digital Marketer, and a passionate writer working with MindMajix, a top global online training provider. He also holds in-depth knowledge of IT and demanding technologies such as Business Intelligence, Salesforce, Cybersecurity, Software Testing, QA, Data analytics, Project Management, ERP tools, etc.