EIC Marketing Resources
The IEEE CS Marketing Team is here to support EICs in promoting their publications. Our goal is to increase readership, submissions, and volunteer engagement for each publication. We offer website, email, and social media announcements. EICs should submit their marketing requests by clicking the button below:
Promotional Services We Offer:

Website Announcements

- The announcement will appear as a carousel item on the publication's homepage.

- You may suggest an image for the post.

- Announcements can include CFPs, EIC/volunteer searches, awards, etc.

Email Announcements

- The announcement will be added to a new-issue notification email to subscribers or authors.

- The email will be sent a week or more after receiving the request, depending on when
the new issue is ready.

- Announcements can include CFPs, EIC/volunteer searches, awards, etc.

Social Media Promotions

- We post on the Computer Society's LinkedIn, Facebook, and/or Twitter pages.

- Requests must be submitted 3 weeks in advance. You may suggest an image for the post.

- Announcements can include CFPs, EIC/volunteer searches, awards, etc.


If you have any questions, please contact publication_marketing@computer.org.