Andy Seely teaches Computer Science at Hillsborough Community College in Tampa, Florida, USA. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of Maryland Global Campus and he runs a small business consulting firm supporting cybersecurity policy and business development for clients working in government and commercial markets.
Andy offers 30 years of experience in systems administration, software development, system engineering, cybersecurity, entrepreneurship, education, and leadership in commercial, academic, government, and military settings in the U.S., Asia, and Europe. In his career, Andy has served as Director of Architecture and Engineering, Vice President of Solution Architecture, Director for Digital Transformation, Engineering Manager, Chief Engineer, Command and Control Systems engineer, and operations manager. Previous teaching experience includes the University of Tampa in Tampa, Florida, USA, and Oslo and Akershus University College in Oslo, Norway.
He has been a member of IEEE and the Computer Society for 25 years. Andy is currently a member of the IEEE Region 3 Executive Committee, the Region 3 Member Communications Committee Chair, and the Vice Chair for the IEEE Florida West Coast Section. Previous roles include Region 3 coordinator for IEEE Senior Membership, Region 3 representative to the IEEE Admissions and Advancement committee, secretary for IEEE Standards Association working group P1228, and Chair of the Florida West Coast Computer Society chapter. He is a member of IEEE Eta Kappa Nu and Upsilon Pi Epsilon. Recent recognitions include 2024 Region 3 Director’s Choice Award, 2024 IEEE COMSOC Exceptional Service Award, and 2024 Florida West Coast Section Leadership Award.
Andy is also a Senior Member of the ACM, a Life Member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and an active volunteer for the American Red Cross Service to the Armed Forces. He was a regular contributor to the USENIX Association, including chairing the annual Government and Military Systems Administration Workshop and writing a regular column for the USENIX flagship publication “;login:”.