LOS ALAMITOS, Calif., 11 December 2014 — The IEEE Computer Society Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee (IEEE VGTC) has recognized University of California at Davis professor Ken Joy and New York University professor Claudio T. Silva for their achievements in visualization
Joy, an emeritus computer science professor at UC Davis and director of its Institute for Data Analysis and Visualization, received the 2014 Visualization Career Award in recognition of his research in the mathematical representation of data for visualization and for service to the community.
Silva, professor of computer science and engineering at the NYU School of Engineering, and head of disciplines at NYU’s Center for Urban Science and Progress, received the 2014 Visualization Technical Achievement Award in recognition of seminal advances in geometric computing for visualization and for contributions to the VisTrails system.
Both received their awards during IEEE Visualization 2014 (VIS), held 9–14 Nov. in Paris.
Joy is also a faculty computer scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and a visiting scientist, consultant, and participating guest at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. His projects have focused on large-scale data analysis, multiresolution modeling, computer vision, data compression, support for large-scale scientific simulations, and the visualization of complex data.
Joy is recipient of UC Davis’s Distinguished Teaching and Faculty Advisor of the Year awards. He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society, ACM, and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Joy has served on numerous program committees, including co-chair of EuroVis 2005, general chair of VIS 2007, and senior chair VIS 2008.
Silva has made seminal contributions to many areas of visualization and graphics, including point-based modeling, surface reconstruction, isosurface generation, out-of-core and streaming visualization techniques, and unstructured volume rendering. He has also developed widely-used visualization and analysis tools, including the open-source VisTrails system.
Silva, an IEEE Fellow and chair of VIS 2010, holds 12 US patents, and has received four IBM Faculty Awards and a Utah Innovation Award for one of his commercial products. He has served on editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), The Visual Computer, Computer and Graphics, Graphical Models, and the ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems. He also co-edits the Visualization Corner column in Computing in Science and Engineering magazine.
The IEEE VGTC Visualization Technical Achievement Award was established in 2004. It is given every year to recognize an individual for a seminal technical achievement in visualization. The IEEE VGTC Visualization Career Award was also established in 2004. It is given every year to an individual to honor that person’s lifetime contributions to visualization.