LOS ALAMITOS, Calif., 9 December 2022 – Today the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS) announced that 52 IEEE CS members and 17 IEEE members evaluated by the IEEE CS Fellow Evaluation Committee will be elevated to IEEE Fellow grade in 2023. The grade of IEEE Fellow recognizes exceptional distinction in the engineering profession.
The IEEE Board of Directors elevated 319 members to Fellow status for 2023. IEEE CS members and associates recommended for Fellow status in 2023 include:
- Gail-Joon Ahn – for development of applications of information and systems security.
- Kemal Akkaya – for contributions to routing and topology management in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks.
- Jason H. Anderson – for contributions to high-level synthesis and low-power FPGAs.
- Vijayalakshmi Atluri – for contributions to security and privacy for data and workflow systems.
- Raymond G. Beausoleil – for contributions to classical and quantum communication and computation.
- Mark N. Billinghurst – for contributions to augmented and virtual reality.
- Carlos A. Busso – for contributions to speech and multimodal affective signal processing and their technology applications.
- Srdjan Capkun – for contributions to wireless and systems security.
- Yuan-Hao Chang – for contributions to non-volatile memory reliability.
- Haibo Chen – for contributions to the design and implementation of distributed operating systems.
- Hao Chen – for contributions to the security of software and mobile systems.
- Guihai Chen – for contributions to large-scale distributed network architecture.
- Yixin Chen – for contributions to advancing the compactness and applicability of deep learning systems.
- Shing C. Cheung – for contributions to testing methodologies and bug management for software.
- Frederic Chong – for contributions to the field of quantum computer architecture, compilation and optimization.
- Andre M. Dehon – for contributions to reconfigurable computing and FPGAs.
- Wei Ding – for contributions to data mining and Big Data research in scientific domains.
- Wenliang Du – for contributions to cybersecurity education and research.
- Juan E Gilbert – for leadership in broadening participation in computing and contributions to accessible voting technologies.
- Amar Gupta – for contributions to banking transactions and healthcare
- Chen He – for contributions to test of automotive microcontrollers and microprocessors.
- Derek W. Hoiem – for contributions to computer vision.
- Bin Hu – for contributions to pervasive affective computing.
- Shuiwang Ji – for contributions to machine learning and data mining.
- Zhi Jin – for significant contributions to knowledge-driven software development.
- James B. Joshi – for contributions to access control and privacy.
- Shin-Ichi Kawamura – for contributions to cost-effective and secure cryptography.
- Carl Kesselman – for foundational contributions to technologies and applications of global distributed computing.
- Tadayoshi Kohno – for contributions to cybersecurity.
- Minglu Li – for contributions to wireless sensor and vehicular networks.
- Chen Li – for contributions to supporting similarity queries in databases and data-intensive computing.
- Guoliang Li – for contributions to human-in-the-loop data management and database systems.
- Jia Li – for leadership in large-scale AI.
- Haibin Ling – for contributions to computer vision for visual tracking and matching.
- Wei Liu – for contributions to large-scale machine-learning and multimedia intelligence.
- Ce Liu – for contributions to computer vision and computational photography.
- Xiaoming Liu – for contributions to facial image analysis and recognition.
- Rajit Manohar – for contributions to the design and implementation of asynchronous circuits and systems.
- James B. Michael – for contributions to the protection of critical infrastructure.
- Tamara Munzner – for contributions to principles, processes, and design for visualization.
- Premkumar Natarajan – for contributions to conversational AI systems, spoken language translation, and home voice-assistant systems.
- Suman Nath – for contributions to the dynamic analysis framework for mobile and cloud systems.
- Ye Ouyang – for leadership in network intelligence and self-organizing cellular networks.
- Srinivasan Parthasarathy – for contributions to high performance data mining and network analysis.
- Hanspeter Pfister – for contributions to computer vision applications.
- Vir V. Phoha – for development of attack-averse active authentication using behavioral patterns.
- Moinuddin K. Qureshi – for contributions to scalable memory systems.
- Sherief M. Reda – for contributions to energy-efficient and approximate computing.
- Miguel Raul D. Rodrigues – for contributions to multimodal data processing and foundations of reliable and secure communications.
- Eunice E Santos – for leadership in computational social networks.
- Houbing Song – for contributions to big data analytics and integration of AI with Internet of Things.
- Ankur Srivastava – for contributions to chip hardware security.
- Zhendong Su – for contributions to automated software testing and analysis.
- Ke Tang – for contributions to scalable evolutionary algorithms for large-scale optimization.
- Birgit Vogel-heuser – for contributions to evolvable, adaptable field-level automation architectures for manufacturing systems and logistics.
- Jianping Wang – for contributions to resiliency of complex systems.
- Jue Wang – for contributions to quality of image and video matting processing.
- Wei Wang – for contributions to data mining.
- Tilman Wolf – for contributions to design of network processors and in-network processing services.
- Yongwei Wu – for contributions to high-performance data storage and data-intensive computing systems.
- Dongrui Wu – for contributions to fuzzy logic and its applications to controls and decision-making.
- Xiaokui Xiao – for contributions to database privacy and graph data management.
- Jingling Xue – for contributions to compiler optimization and program analysis.
- Danfeng Yao – for contributions to enterprise data security and high-precision vulnerability screening.
- Shui Yu – for contributions to cyber security and privacy.
- Gang Zhou – for contributions to sensor networks and low-power wireless networks.
- Jun Zhu – for contributions to machine learning and its applications.
- Xingquan Zhu – for contributions to data mining for big data analytics and network representation learning.
- Chengqing Zong – for contributions to machine translation and natural language processing.
The Board of Directors confers the title of Fellow upon a person of outstanding and extraordinary qualifications and experience in IEEE-designated fields, who has made important individual contributions to one or more of those fields.
To view the full list of the 2023 Fellow Class, learn about the process, or nominate a senior member, visit the Fellow website at https://www.ieee.org/membership/fellows/index.html.
To view the current 2023 IEEE Computer Society Fellow Evaluating Committee or past Fellow Class lists elevated by the IEEE Computer Society Evaluating Committee, visit www.computer.org/volunteering/awards/fellows.
At the time the nomination is submitted, a nominee must:
- have accomplishments that have contributed importantly to the advancement or application of engineering, science and technology, bringing the realization of significant value to society;
- hold Senior Member or Life Senior Member grade at the time the nomination is submitted;
- have been a member in good standing in any grade for a period of five years or more preceding 1 January of the year of elevation.
The nominee cannot be a member of the IEEE Fellow Committee, an IEEE Society/Technical Council Fellow Evaluating Committee Chair, or a member of IEEE Society/Technical Council Fellow Evaluating Committees reviewing the nomination.
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Through conferences, publications, and programs, the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS) sets the standard for the education and engagement that fuels global technological advancement. By bringing together engineers, scientists, researchers, and practitioners from all areas of computing and at every career phase, the IEEE CS enables new opportunities and empowers not only its members but also the greater industry. Visit computer.org for more information.