LOS ALAMITOS, Calif., 16 February 2015 — The IEEE Computer Society Press book, “Software War Stories: Case Studies in Software Management,” by leading software consultant Donald J. Reifer, has won an Honorable Mention in the Computing and Information Science category of the Association of American Publishers/Professional Scholarly Publishing PROSE awards.
The PROSE Awards annually recognize the best in professional and scholarly publishing by bringing attention to distinguished books, journals, and electronic content in over 40 categories. They have been judged by peer publishers, librarians, and medical professionals since 1976.
“Software War Stories” provides readers with practical advice on how to handle the many issues that can arise as a software project unfolds. It uses case studies that focus on what can be done to establish and meet reasonable expectations as they occur in government, industrial, and academic settings. The book also offers important discussions on both traditional and agile methods as well as lean development concepts.
“The Computer Society’s computer science and software engineering audience expects the best from our publications; we are very pleased to have had that excellence honored by the PROSE Awards,” said Evan Butterfield, IEEE-CS Director of Products and Services. “We also congratulate the author, Donald Reifer, on this special recognition.”
Reifer is a leading figure in software engineering and software management, with more than 40 years of experience in industry, government, and academia. A successful entrepreneur, software consultant, author, and teacher, Reifer has facilitated software improvements for numerous Fortune 500 firms and government agencies, and has published seven books and 100+ software engineering/management papers.
“Software War Stories,” available on Amazon, covers the basics of management as applied to situations ranging from agile projects to large IT projects with infrastructure problems. The book:
- Includes coverage of topics ranging from planning, estimating, and organizing to risk and opportunity management
- Uses 12 case studies to communicate lessons learned by the author in practice
- Offers end-of-chapter exercises, sample solutions, and a blog for providing updates and answers to readers’ questions.