LOS ALAMITOS, Calif., 15 April 2015 – David Padua, Donald Biggar Willett Professor of Engineering and professor of computer science at University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, has been named the recipient of the 2015 IEEE Computer Society Harry H. Goode Award.
The Goode Award was established to recognize achievement in the information-processing field–either a single contribution of theory, design, or technique of outstanding significance; or the accumulation of important contributions on theory or practice over an extended period. Padua was cited “for basic and lasting contributions to parallel languages, compilers, and tools.”
His research focuses on program analysis, transformation, and optimization strategies. The main objective is to develop methodologies to facilitate the programmer’s task of creating reliable, easy-to-maintain programs that achieve excellent performance. Ongoing projects include the study of program optimization strategies and the design of compiler techniques for new parallel programming constructs.
The Goode Award consists of a bronze medal and a $2,000 honorarium. Learn more about the Goode Award and view the list of recipients.