IEEE Security & Privacy is grateful for the contributions of our excellent reviewers.
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The articles in IEEE Security & Privacy are the result of hard work by many people. We deeply appreciate the efforts of everyone who reviewed the many articles submitted to the magazine last year. The peer review process helps maintain the magazine’s high standard of quality. All of us in the security and privacy community owe gratitude to the small and dedicated group of people who participate in this crucial service. If you would like to contribute as a reviewer, visit our peer review page to find out how to get involved.
—IEEE Security & Privacy’s editorial board and staff
Frank Adelstein
Roberto Alves Gallo Filho
Mario Alvim
Kishore Angrishi
Manos Antonakakis
Noah Apthorpe
Diego Aranha
David Archer
N. Asokan
Giuseppe Ateniese
Anish Athalye
John Aycock
Michael Bailey
Gianmarco Baldini
Zinaida Benenson
Terry Benzel
Prabir Bhattacharya
Naveen Bindra
Sriramulu Bojjagani
Alex Borges
Juliana Borin
Elaheh Bozorgzadeh
Travis Breaux
Arturo Bretas
Matthias Brust
Sonja Buchegger
Kevin Butler
Jean Camp
Aniello Castiglione
Jagmohan Chauhan
Yize Chen
Sonia Chiasson
Young-Bok Cho
Jeremy Clark
John Coffey
Luigi Coppolino
Lorrie Faith Cranor
Carlos da Silva
Martine De Cock
Emiliano De Cristofaro
Rafael Timoteo de Sousa Junior
Xuhua Ding
Yuxin Ding
Luis Dominguez Perez
Zeta Dooly
Adam Doupé
Marwa Eid
Ashraf Elbayoumy
Flavio Elias
Jeremy Epstein
David Evans
Ariel Feldman
Earlence Fernandes
Renato Figueiredo
Simone Fischer-Huebner
Bill Fisher
Ivo Flammer
Ivan Flechais
Jose Fortes
Aurelien Francillon
Felix Freiling
Debin Gao
Siddharth Garg
Paolo Gasti
Xinyang Ge
Vivian Genaro Motti
Pavel Gladyshev
Neil Zhenqiang Gong
Lisandro Granville
Andre Gregio
Guofei Gu
Woodrow Hartzog
Marco Henriques
Ryan Henry
Dominik Herrmann
Heather Hinton
Houman Homayoun
Peter Honeyman
Yan Huang
John Impagliazzo
Cynthia Irvine
David Irwin
Douglas W. Jones
Aniket Kate
George Kesidis
Muhammad Taimoor Khan
Negar Kiyavash
Ryan Ko
Constantinos Kolias
Carl Landwehr
Kirill Levchenko
Jay Ligatti
Heather Lipford
Yao Liu
Antonio Loureiro
Xiapu Luo
Roman Lysecky
Siqi Ma
Mohammad Mannan
Lisandra Manzoni
Jonathan Mayer
Sarah Meiklejohn
Wagner Meira
Alfred Menezes
Weizhi Meng
Francesco Mercaldo
Mohammed Misbahuddin
Fabian Monrose
Tyler Moore
Jerry Morrison
Tilo Müller
Steven Murdoch
Adwait Nadkarni
Anderson Nascimento
Muhammad Naveed
Elaine Newton
Ilia Nouretdinov
Daniela Oliveira
Luiz Oliveira
Niklas Palaghias
Yi Pan
Nicolas Papernot
Jeffrey Perkins
Allan Pinto
Jules Polonetsky
Milan Popovic
Aarathi Prasad
Davina Pruitt-Mentle
Jeyavijayan Rajendran
Brad Reaves
Robert Reeder
Roland Rieke
Will Robertson
Christian Rossow
Vassil Roussev
Michael Rushanan
Mohamed Saleh
Altair Olivo Santin
Nolen Scaife
Elaine Sedenberg
Dimitrios Serpanos
Hossein Shafagh
Filipo Sharevski
Frederick Sheldon
Micah Sherr
Adam Shostack
Marcos Simplicio
Maninder Singh
Anoop Singhal
Matthew Smith
Sean Smith
Priscila Solis
John Springer
Anna Squicciarini
Joshua Stroschein
Martin Stytz
Yoshiyasu Takefuji
Mark Tehranipoor
Omer Tene
Nik Thompson
Laura Tinnel
M. Todd Gardner
Joseph Turow
A. Selcuk Uluagac
Jeroen van de Graaf
Paul Van Oorschot
Claire Vishik
Emanuel von Zezschwitz
Grant Wagner
Dan Wallach
Gang Wang
Haining Wang
Jingguo Wang
Qiuhong Wang
Shaun Shuxun Wang
Michelle Wangham
Nicholas Weaver
Sam Weber
Jinpeng Wei
Edgar Weippl
Primal Wijesekera
Laurie Williams
Craig E. Wills
Glenn Wurster
Heng Xu
Ke Xu
Daphne Yao
Bulent Yener
Chuan Yue
Nan Zhang
Lei Zhou
Mary Ellen Zurko