Submission deadline: CLOSED
Publication: January/February 2021
Serverless computing, the conjunction of Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) and Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS), has become an attractive polyglot programming and deployment model for developers and a core runtime offering of all major cloud platform providers within the past five years. Cloud functions orchestrated in FaaS are seen as the sincerest form of microservices. Accordingly, deployment frameworks (e.g., serverless), artifact repositories (e.g., AWS SAR), and composition languages (e.g., IBM Composer) complement FaaS/BaaS technologies for a wholesome developer experience.
For this theme issue of IEEE Software, we invite authors to submit technical articles around serverless software engineering of high relevance to software practitioners. We ask for original articles on ideas, methods, and insightful experiences with a focus on explaining the value to software engineers. From end-user applications to platform- and system-level applications, any software and engineering investigations in relation to cloud functions and their backend services are in scope for the theme issue. We specifically encourage submissions on any aspect of serverless applications, including, but not limited to:
- Mindsets: Engineering strategies and priorities in a serverless context
- Architectures: Single- and multi-cloud FaaS/BaaS bindings, portable functions
- Patterns: Functions as glue code versus fully FaaS-based applications, function orchestration in code versus composition languages
- Testing Approaches: Platform emulation, validation of function code and configuration, generic benchmarks and corner case simulations
- Frameworks/Tools: Deployment, automated FaaSification, tracing and visualization of function dependencies, state/storage bindings
Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts must not exceed 3,000 words, including figures and tables, which count for 250 words each. Submissions in excess of these limits may be rejected without refereeing. The articles we deem within the theme and scope will be peer reviewed and are subject to editing for magazine style, clarity, organization, and space. Articles should have a practical orientation and be written in a style accessible to practitioners. Overly complex, purely research-oriented, or theoretical treatments aren’t appropriate. Articles should be novel. IEEE Software doesn’t republish material published previously in other venues, including other periodicals and formal conference or workshop proceedings, whether previous publication was in print or electronic form.
For general author guidelines:
To submit an article:
For more information about the focus, contact the guest editors at
- Davide Taibi
- Josef Spillner
- Konrad Wawruch