Call for Papers: Research Brief

IEEE Pervasive Computing seeks submissions for this upcoming new column.
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Submissions Due: Ongoing

IEEE Pervasive Computing is launching a new “Research Brief” format to provide an accessible avenue for highlighting important results and perspectives based on new and published work. 

IEEE Pervasive Computing welcomes submissions that cover the role of computing in the physical world— as characterized by visions such as the Internet of Things and ubiquitous computing. Topics of interest include hardware design, sensor networks, mobile systems, human–computer interaction, industrial design, machine learning, and data science, as well as societal issues, including privacy and ethics.

The objectives of this track are to:

  1. Create an approachable format to summarize key contributions and takeaways from full research papers, especially for early career researchers and newcomers to the field.
  2. Accelerate the dissemination of impactful ideas and diverse viewpoints by enabling concise reflections on existing publications.
  3. Inspire science communication through ultra-compact papers. As shown by the 2-page paper that introduced the DNA in 1953, ground-breaking concepts can be conveyed in a few pages.

Submission Guidelines

Papers should be 1000 words maximum, including 1 display item (figure/table) and up to 3 references. Submissions should reflect on a recent or original paper and highlight key results, limitations, or future directions. Position/perspective papers on significant matters are also welcome. Research Brief papers will be evaluated on clarity, correctness, significance, and relevance to the journal topics. All submissions will be peer-reviewed following standard magazine practices.

We welcome Research Brief submissions on any topic relevant to pervasive computing on the following categories:

  1. Highlighting a significant result in an academic or industrial setting.
  2. Critiquing a published study.
  3. Summarizing important findings from a previous paper.
  4. A call to action or new perspective on a significant issue.

Please submit your 1,000-word Research Brief here. Accepted Research Briefs will be published in the next quarterly issue of IEEE Pervasive Computing. All Research Brief papers will be indexed as archival publications. For more details and submission instructions, please visit the Author Information page.

We look forward to your insightful and engaging submissions!

Editor : Dimitrios Spathis, IEEE Pervasive