CLOSED: Call for Papers: Special Issue on New Pervasive Technologies in Education

IEEE Pervasive Computing seeks submissions for this upcoming new column.
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Submissions Due: 1 July 2024

Digital technology holds great promise in making education adaptive, personalized, customizable, and ubiquitously available. To enable it, a new set of technologies based on Artificial Intelligence, Generative AI, and Natural Language Processing, and new infrastructure platforms, such as satellite-based Internet, virtual and augmented reality, and blockchain, are being created, tested, and deployed enabling a new generation of pervasive applications and systems in education.

This special issue of IEEE Pervasive Computing provides a forum for papers investigating those new technologies, interaction modalities, and platforms that enhance and extend human and societal possibilities and experiences in various educational contexts and scenarios. We invite original and high-quality submissions addressing:

  • Theoretical and methodological papers focused on the use of pervasive technologies in education, including high-quality, comprehensive surveys;
  • Explorations of novel uses of pervasive technologies in education;
  • Evolutions and improvements in pervasive technologies used in educational contexts;
  • Applications of AI technologies, including Large Language Models, Image Generators, and similar techniques, in pervasive education applications and scenarios;
  • Technologies and experiences of the use of new delivery platforms such as satellite Internet, blockchain, and VR/AR in all kinds of educational scenarios;
  • Testing and evaluation of students and teachers using pervasive technologies;
  • Experiences, use cases, and studies about pervasive technologies in education during the COVID-19 pandemic and similar crisis scenarios;
  • Research and work that explores fairness and inclusive aspects of the use of pervasive technologies in education, including vulnerable communities, minorities, and people with accessibility constraints.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions tackling any aspect of this field are welcomed with a clear and essential connection to pervasive computing. Review or summary articles—for example, critical evaluations of the state of the art, or an insightful analysis of established and upcoming technologies—may be accepted if they demonstrate academic rigour and relevance. 

Articles submitted to IEEE Pervasive Computing should not exceed 6,000 words, including all text, abstract, keywords, bibliography, biographies, and table text. The word count must include 250 words for each table and figure. References should be limited to at most 20 citations (40 for survey papers). Authors are encouraged, but not required, to use a template for submission (accepted articles will ultimately be typeset by magazine staff for publication).


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Special Issue Guest Editors

  • Ehsan Hoque, University of Rochester, USA
  • Claudio Pinhanez, IBM Research São Paulo, Brazil