CLOSED Call for Papers: Special Issue on Industry 4.0: Computing, Communications, and Sensing

IT Professional seeks submissions for this upcoming special issue.
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Submissions Due: 27 September 2023

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: 27 September 2023
  • Publication: March/April 2024

The digitalization of industries enabled by IoT technologies, can monitor and control all production tools by gathering information from numerous sensors to develop a digital twin thereby increasing industrial production, logistic support, and other productional efficiency in industries. To accomplish all of the above, wireless networking, cloud computing, and machine intelligence will become more integrated into tangible structures and procedures, resulting in cyber-physical systems (CPS). Since computational, networking and physical components are all integrated with CPSs. They incorporate numerous distinct techniques with the primary objective of managing a physical mechanism and in real-time environment through feedback systems. 

Cyber-Physical Mobile Computing with Industrial 4.0 includes aerial unmanned networked vehicles, transportation & logistics, robotics & automation, blockchain, and Artificial Intelligences. Integrating computation, communication, and sensing via cooperative and cross-layer techniques of mobile cyber-physical systems in industrial 4.0, which aims to increase productivity, authenticity, and durability, is a major driving force of cutting-edge innovation. Some of the current research focuses on coordinating complex interaction across CPS components and what modelling techniques are necessary to create such features based on their architecture, interface, and representations. Several performance metrics to consider for industrial communication networks, such as delay and jitter and reliability and security. They have a significant influence on the dynamic interactions among CPS modules. Hence, the objective of this special issue is to explore the advancements and challenges in the integration of computing, communications, and sensing technologies within the context of Industry 4.0. It aims to showcase innovative research, developments, and applications in these areas, highlighting their impact on industrial processes, automation, and productivity.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Cloud and edge computing in Cyber-Physical systems
  • Blockchain-based Cyber-Physical Mobile Computing 
  • AI-driven Cyber-Physical Mobile Computing 
  • Industrial informatics engineering in Cyber-Physical systems 
  • Privacy-Enhancing framework in Cyber-Physical Mobile Computing 
  • Vulnerabilities and attacks on Cyber-Physical Mobile Computing
  • Self-configuring, self-optimizing and Self-sustaining Cyber-Physical Mobile Computing
  • Service provisioning and interoperability in Cyber-Physical Computing 
  • Control system optimization in Cyber-Physical Computing 
  • Cyber-Physical Computing acquiring Cognitive automation 

Submission Guidelines

Only submissions that describe previously unpublished, Contemporary research and practice that are not currently under review by a conference or another journal will be considered. Extended versions of conference papers must be at least 30 percent different from the original conference works. Feature articles should be no longer than 4,200 words and have no more than 20 references (with tables and figures counting as 300 words each). Articles should be understandable by a broad audience of computer science and engineering professionals, avoiding unnecessary theory, mathematics, jargon, or abstract concepts. For author guidelines, see the Author Information page

All manuscripts must be submitted to ScholarOne Manuscripts by the deadline, making sure that the specific Special Issue is selected in order to be considered for publication under this Call for Papers. Submissions are subject to peer review on both technical merit and relevance to IT Professional’s readership. 

The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article should be disclosed in the acknowledgements section, while the sections of the paper that present AI-generated text verbatim should be quoted within quotation marks and provide a citation to the AI system used to generate the text.

IT Professional magazine is a hybrid publication, allowing either traditional manuscript submission or author-paid Open Access manuscript submission. 



Contact the guest editors at

  • Editorial Board Member: Nelly Leligou, University of West Attica, Greece
  • Carlos Enrique Montenegro Marin, District University Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia
  • J. Alfred Daniel, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, India
  • Guangjie Han, Hohai University, China