CiSE Case Studies in Translational Computer Science

New translational research Department welcomes submissions
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Call for Department Articles


CiSE‘s newest department explores how findings in fundamental research in computer, computational, and data science translate to technologies, solutions, or practice for the benefit of science, engineering, and society. Specifically, each department article will highlight impactful translational research examples in which research has successfully moved from the laboratory to the field and into the community. The goal is to improve understanding of underlying approaches, explore challenges and lessons learned, with the overarching aim to formulate translational research processes that are broadly applicable.



Computing and data are increasingly essential to the research process across all areas of science and engineering and are key catalysts for impactful advances and breakthroughs. Consequently, translating fundamental advances in computer, computational, and data science help to ensure that these emerging insights, discoveries, and innovations are realized.  

Translational Research in Computer and Computational Sciences [1][2] refers the bridging of foundational and use-inspired (applied) research with the delivery and deployment of its outcomes to the target community, and supports bi-directional benefit in which delivery and deployment process informs the research. 

Call for Department Contributions: We seek short papers that align with our recommended structure and detail the following aspects of the described research:

  • Overview: A description of the research, what problem does it address, who is the target user community, what are the key innovations and attributes, etc.
  • Translation Process: What was the process used to move the research from the laboratory to the application? How were outcomes fed back into the research, and over what time period did this occur? How was the translation supported? 
  • Impact: What is the impact of the translated research, both on the CCDS research as well as the target domain(s)? 
  • Lessons Learned: What are the lessons learned in terms of both the research and the translation process? What were the challenges faced?
  • Conclusion: Based on your experience, do you have suggestions for processes or support structures that would have made the translation more effective?

CiSE Department articles are typically up to 3,000 words (including abstract, references, author biographies, and tables/figures [which count as 250 words each]), and are only reviewed by the department editors.

To pitch or submit a department article, please contact the editors directly by emailing:

Additional information for authors can be found here.



  1. D. Abramson and M. Parashar, “Translational Research in Computer Science,” Computer, vol. 52, no. 9, pp. 16-23, Sept. 2019, doi: 10.1109/MC.2019.2925650.
  2. D. Abramson, M. Parashar, and P. Arzberger. “Translation computer science – Overview of the special issue,” J. Computational Sci., 2020, ISSN 1877-7503,