CLOSED Call for Papers: Artificial Intelligence in Government [CFP]

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Submissions Due: 1 November 2019

Submission deadline: CLOSED
Author notification: 3 March 2020
Publication date: June 2020

According to the European Commission (2018), artificial intelligence (AI) refers to systems that display intelligent behavior by analyzing their environment and taking actions – with some degree of autonomy – to achieve specific goals.

In past decades, AI was a topic almost exclusively studied within academia. But the confluence and popularization of different factors, such as the rise of algorithms analysis, more powerful and distributed processing technologies, the Big Data phenomenon, and new disciplines such as data science, have been the “perfect storm” to bring AI to the real world.

In this real world, AI-based systems and technologies that autonomously enable process optimization based on elements such as machine learning and deep learning have also started to be implemented and used by public organizations and governments. AI has started to be included in the political agenda, with public debate on the benefits and challenges related to the adoption of AI technologies.

Public policies have started to consider this topic, but legal regulations and new needed standardization initiatives such as the IEEE P7000™ Standards family are still currently in development. In this scenario, governments have additional challenges linked to citizens’ rights, transparency, and accountability, among other things.

This special issue calls for articles contributing to the advancement of AI adoption by public organizations, including success cases, challenges, the state of the art, theory, and practice in this field. Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Use of machine learning algorithms in government
  • Data science, data engineering, and AI in government
  • Standards, ethics, and AI implications in public organizations
  • Public policies on AI
  • Privacy, personal data protection, and AI in government
  • Real deployments in government, novel applications, challenges and lessons learned
  • Legal implications and challenges of AI in government
  • Other topics in different government areas, such as algorithms prediction and use by police forces, AI-based assessment-risk tools in courts, etc.

Submission Procedure

Submissions should follow the IEEE template and should consist of the following:

  • A manuscript of maximum 6,000 words: a PDF of the complete manuscript layout with figures, tables placed within the text. Each figure and table is counted as 300 words.
  • A source file in the Word or Latex format.
  • Editable figure files and high-resolution photographic images/screenshots are required for the final submission. Articles that have been previously published at a conference need to have significant new material (more than 70%), which needs to be described in the cover letter. The manuscripts need to be submitted online at Select the correct special issue in Step 1 of the submission process to ensure that the article is reviewed for this special issue.


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