CLOSED: Special Issue on Inclusive Data Experiences

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Submissions Due: 30 December 2024

Important Dates

  • Submissions due: 30 December 2024
  • Publication: July/August 2025

While the visualization community has made great strides over the last few decades, visualization research has traditionally centered on certain user groups, notably individuals without disabilities, overlooking the diverse capabilities and needs of a broader range of people. The disparities in sensory, cognitive, and motor abilities lead to unequal access to data visualization and the underlying data.

Data has become an integral part of our lives and holds immense potential to influence how we work, live, and engage with the world. Data visualization has proven a powerful tool for gaining and communicating insights, as well as supporting informed decision-making across various domains and contexts. The inequitable access to data and data visualization significantly affects education and employment, as well as health and lifestyle. Recognizing the urgent need to address this significant equity issue, research communities have put increasing efforts towards making data visualization accessible to people with disabilities. We aspire not only to amplify this trend but also to more broadly consider inclusive data experiences. This goes beyond data visualization to understand broader interactions between data and people so that everyone can equitably access and benefit from data.

This special issue aims to foster novel insights and advancements for inclusive data experiences. We invite submissions that examine various needs and challenges, introduce innovative approaches and solutions, present robust methodologies and evaluations, and offer visions and viewpoints, among other things.

Topics of interest include, but not limited to:

  • Accessible visualization authoring tools and production methods
  • Novel devices for accessible data interaction
  • Technologies for inclusive data experiences
  • Data physicalization for inclusive data experiences
  • Challenges and opportunities of AI for inclusive data experiences
  • Accessible multimodal data representations
  • Evidence-based guidelines for inclusive data representations
  • Data and visualization education for inclusive data representations
  • Real-world data needs of people with disabilities and marginalized users
  • Accessible personal informatics for people with disabilities and marginalized users
  • Grand challenges for inclusive data experiences


Important Submission Instructions:

As of 18 Decemeber 2024, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications will use the IEEE Author Portal for all new submissions.

  • If you have not yet started the submission process, please use the IEEE Author Portal to submit your article.
  • If you have started a draft of your submission OR if you submitted your paper prior to the IEEE Author Portal launch, you will finish the peer review life cycle of submission(s) currently under review through ScholarOne Manuscripts. You do not need to submit a new manuscript. All new and future submissions will be submitted entirely through the IEEE Author Portal.

Please be sure to select the special issue or special section name when you submit your article. Manuscripts should not be published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Please submit only full papers intended for review, not abstracts. If requested, abstracts should be sent by email to the guest editors directly.


Contact the guest editors at