Annals Reviewer Thanks

IEEE Annals of the History of Computing is grateful for the contributions of its excellent reviewers.
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The articles in IEEE Annals of the History of Computing are the result of hard work by many people. We deeply appreciate the efforts of everyone who reviewed the many articles submitted to the magazine last year. The peer review process helps maintain the magazine’s high standard of quality. All of us in the computing community owe gratitude to the small and dedicated group of people who participate in this crucial service. If you would like to contribute as a reviewer, visit the peer review page for magazines to find out how to get involved.
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing‘s editorial board and staff

Margaret Adams
Gerard Alberts
Kera Allen
Bo An
Valerie Barr
Ross Bassett
Héctor Beltrán
Martin Campbell-Kelly
Brian Carpenter
Giovanni Cignoni
Rodney Clarke
Dylan Connor
James Cortada
Matthew Crain
Stephanie Dick
Kevin Driscoll
Helena Durnová
James Feigenbaum
Bradley Fidler
Myron Gutmann
Thomas Haigh
Ulf Hashagen
Vilja Hulden
Irina Krayneva
David Link
Julien Mailland
Paul Mcjones
Eden Medina
Thomas Misa
Petri Paju
David Parisi
Elizabeth Petrick
Mark Priestley
Fabian Prieto Nanez
Brian Randell
Joy Rohde
Andrew Russell
Molly Sauter
Kevin Shedlock
Adam Sheingate
Sydney Shep
Dag Spicer
Doron Swade
Ksenia Tatarchenko
Lee Vinsel
Jeffrey Yost