CLOSED Call for Papers: Special Issue on Quantum Computing

IEEE Transactions on Computers seeks original manuscripts for this upcoming special issue.
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Submissions Due: 15 April 2020

Quantum computers promise dramatic improvements in our ability to efficiently solve classically intractable problems ranging from cryptosystems, to the simulation of quantum systems, to optimization and machine learning. Recent progress in the development of quantum-computing systems has been profound, with demonstrations of 53-qubit entanglement, improvements in classical simulations of quantum systems, and advances in the algorithms and software tools required to program these devices. Despite these advances, many challenges remain across the full quantum compute stack to achieve the ultimate promises of quantum computing. Unlocking solutions to some of the world’s most challenging problems will require a scalable quantum-computing system; every layer of the stack requires breakthrough innovations to enable scaling to millions of qubits and beyond, from the applications, algorithms, and software to the control and hardware devices. The system is not just limited to the quantum computer; advances in quantum networking and communication are also needed. And while quantum computers are a promising computational accelerator, our understanding of applications that can be improved today through quantum-inspired algorithms running on classical hardware is also progressing.

This special issue of IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC) will explore advances on all topics related to quantum accelerators, scalable quantum-computing systems, classical simulation methods, and new trends in quantum and quantum-inspired algorithms and applications. Topics of interest to this special issue include, but are not limited to:

  • Microarchitectures of quantum accelerators
  • Design methodologies for quantum accelerators and scalable quantum-computing systems
  • System software, runtime, compiler, and language designs for quantum accelerators and quantum networking
  • New tools to design/build/optimize/debug quantum hardware devices and quantum software
  • Characterization, validation and verification methods for quantum hardware and software, including benchmarking
  • Trends and advances in quantum networking and communication
  • Performance evaluation methods for quantum accelerators or quantum networks
  • Fault tolerance methods for quantum accelerators including quantum error correction
  • Quantum-inspired algorithm acceleration on conventional technologies such as GPU, FPGA, and ASIC
  • Acceleration of new quantum algorithms and applications
  • Acceleration of simulating quantum computers and algorithms on classical hardware
  • Application case studies and evaluations
  • Emerging trends in quantum algorithms

Submission Guidelines

Submitted papers must include new significant research-based technical contributions in the scope of the journal. Papers under review elsewhere are not acceptable for submission. Extended versions of published conference papers (to be included as part of the submission together with a summary of differences) are welcome, but there must be at least 40% new impacting technical/scientific material in the submitted journal version and there should be less than 50% verbatim similarity level as reported by a tool (such as CrossRef). Guidelines concerning the submission process and LaTeX and Word templates can be found here. While submitting through ScholarOne (at, please select this special-issue option. As per TC policies, only full-length papers (12 pages) can be submitted to special issues/sections, and each author’s bio should not exceed 150 words.

Important Dates

• Submission Deadline: CLOSED
• Reviews Completed: May 30, 2020
• Major Revisions Due: June 30, 2020
• Reviews of Revisions Completed: July 15, 2020
• Notification of Final Acceptance: August 1, 2020
• Publication Materials for Final Manuscripts Due: August 15, 2020
• Publication: October 2020


Please address all correspondence regarding this special issue to Lead Guest Editor Krysta Svore (

Guest Editors

Dr. Krysta M. Svore
Microsoft Quantum, Microsoft

Dr. Travis Humble
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Corresponding Topical Editor (CTE)

Dmitri Maslov
Chief Software Architect, IBM