State of the Journal
TC continues to be the lead archival publication in the field of computing, bringing the highest-quality research to researchers in academia, industry, and government laboratories. My goals are to increase TC’s visibility and impact, to make its content as relevant and timely as possible, and to ensure that TC remains the leading journal in the field. TC’s impact factor is the highest among its competitors. TC is currently ranked highest for computer hardware design by Google Scholar. To learn more about TC and its many initiatives, please visit the State of the Journal and TC homepage.
Sincerely, Ahmed Louri, Editor in Chief
Featured Paper of the Month
Each month, TC selects a “Featured Paper of the Month” to highlight a new technological or theoretical breakthrough with potential for high impact in the field. All accepted TC papers are eligible for consideration by a selection committee. The highlighted paper is available free of charge for the month on TC’s website. Authors of featured papers are invited to provide supplemental multimedia contents in multiple languages to promote their ideas openly to a broad audience. In addition to English, we currently feature multimedia contents in Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish. A sample of recent featured papers include:
- “A Fast Filtering Mechanism to Improve Efficiency of Large-Scale Video Analytics”, by Chen Zhang, Qiang Cao, Hong Jiang, Wenhui Zhang, Jingjun Li, and Jie Yao, in June 2020.
- “Branch Prediction Attack on Blinded Scalar Multiplication”, by Sarani Bhattacharya, Clementine Maurice, Shivam Bhasin, and Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, in May 2020.
- “Graph Similarity and its Applications to Hardware Security”, by Marc Fyrbiak, Sebastian Wallat, Sascha Reinhard, Nicolai Bissantz, Christof Paar, in April 2020.
Please visit TC’s multimedia page to explore the complete collection of featured papers and their multimedia contents.
TC Annual Best Paper Award
TC participates in the IEEE Computer Society Best Paper Awards program to recognize annually a meritorious paper appearing in the previous calendar year. The TC nomination for Best Paper is selected by a committee of four Associate Editors with expertise covering the broad areas of TC. Selection is based on the criteria of novelty, citations received, and impact on the field, among several others. The TC nomination is forwarded to the IEEE Computer Society Publications Board for decision. The Best Paper recognized for 2018 was:
Tiago Gama Rodrigues, Katsuya Suto, Hiroki Nishiyama, Nei Kato, and Katsuhiro Temma, “Cloudlets Activation Scheme for Scalable Mobile Edge Computing with Transmission Power Control and Virtual Machine Migration,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 67, no. 9, 2018, pp. 1287-1300, 10.1109/TC.2018.2818144.
Please also see the full list of 2018 IEEE Computer Society Best Paper Award winners. The nomination process for Best Paper from 2019 is currently underway.
Special Issues/Sections
We are witnessing dramatic changes in technology and computing, heralding an exciting time for researchers and designers in the discipline. To respond to this dynamic change, TC runs special issues and issues with a special section to dedicate coverage in a selected topic area with the help of expert guest editors. Special issues papers are fully peer-reviewed adhering to TC’s regular process and standard. The community is highly encouraged to submit special issue proposals.
Recent TC special issues and sections have covered machine-learning architectures and accelerators, hardware security, domain-specific architectures for emerging applications, quantum computing, and smart autonomous systems. Call for papers for upcoming special issues are below.
The Highlights of Computer Architecture special issue provides the top-quality journal venue for the latest research findings in this rapidly changing field. Authors of computer architecture conferences in the past 12 months are encouraged to submit extended versions of their papers. Communications for Many-core Processors and Accelerators special issue focuses on trends on architecture, application, and technology that require innovative communication designs for the next generation of computing systems. Smart Edge Computing special issue focuses on architectures, systems, and related hardware-software design approaches for IoT smart-edge computing.
TC Editorial Board
TC is worldwide considered the flagship publication of the Computer Society, as well as a reference point in the scientific literature. This is only made possible by the joint effort and dedication of its authors, reviewers and editorial board. A qualified and diverse editorial board is especially instrumental to upholding TC’s reputation, reach, and overall success.
We currently have an outstanding and diverse board comprised of 70 associate editors. We have worked vigorously to ensure diversity (whether it is geographic distribution, gender, and technical expertise) and to purvey the inclusive nature of our community. We have worked especially hard to attract more women, underrepresented minorities, and researchers from diverse geographic regions to the editorial board.
Crosscutting Topics and Joint Publication with Other Transactions
Breakthrough innovations in computer systems research often come from tightly coupled rethinking across abstraction layers and disciplines. TC is partnering with other IEEE journals to jointly develop cross-cutting special issues to provide venues for collaborative, multidisciplinary research efforts ranging from cloud applications to microarchitecture to device technology. TC is currently working on joint publications with IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems (TVLSI), IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), and with more in the future.
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