Library Subscribers
If your institution is a CS Digital Library subscriber and you need to work remotely due to school and workplace closures, you can still access the CSDL while offsite.

IP Authentication
If you can normally access your organization’s CSDL subscription seamlessly while on site, your organization might have IP address authentication enabled. If so, you can log into your campus network using a university network ID via EZ Proxy or your corporate VPN to first authenticate.
Once authenticated through your campus or corporate network, visit the CSDL through your campus portal.
Your university or organization name will appear at the top of the CS Digital Library home page once you’re logged in.
Single Sign-On
We also support federated and non-federated Single Sign-On including Shibboleth, OpenAthens and most other SAML-based solutions.
We recommend that you first speak to your organization’s librarian to find out the best way to access subscribed resources.
Still Not Working? Please Contact Us
Computer Society representatives are available to address your questions and provide assistance. Email and let us know how we can help you.
The Computer Society is here to support you throughout this unprecedented situation.
Setting up Google Scholar CASA
CASA (Campus Activated Subscriber Access) is an authentication enhancement that improves the authentication for off-campus users of Google Scholar. CASA is free to use.
CASA Summary
- CASA builds on Google Scholar’s Subscriber Links program which provides direct links in the search interface to subscribed collections for on-campus users.
- CASA is automatically enabled for all customers that participate in Google Scholar Subscriber Links program.
- No action required from libraries to enable.
- No action required from users to enable. CASA linking will initiate automatically when users come to the IEEE Computer Society Digital Library from Google Scholar.
- Provides a token for up to 90-days access to the IEEE Computer Society remotely.
How Does CASA Work?
For the User
- Step 1: Visit Google Scholar while on-campus and authenticated via IP or remotely connected to the campus network using VPN. Google Scholar records an affiliation between your device (laptop, mobile phone, desktop, etc.) and your institution.
- Step 2: Find an article through Google Scholar, and if it’s available from the IEEE Computer Society, click the link to “”.
- Step 3: Next time, when you use the same device to visit Google Scholar while off-campus, Google Scholar will remember that you have Institution-based access to a certain library of articles and will work with the Computer Society Digital Library to deliver convenient one-click access to those articles.
Note: If you are logged-in to your Gmail account while using Google Scholar on-campus or while connected to your campus-VPN, Google Scholar creates an affiliation between your institution and your Gmail account. Later, when you are off-campus, Google Scholar will grant the same Subscriber Links conveniences to all of your signed-in devices as if you were on-campus. CASA will also work without being signed-in to a Google Account, but just on a single-device.
If the article is not available via CASA, it may be very new and not indexed yet. If so, wait a couple of days and try again.
For the Librarian
CASA-enabled access will show up in your COUNTER reports like any other institutional access. CASA uses only institutional subscription information. No individual private information is used. So CASA is GDPR compliant as it does not capture, convey or store any personal data about the researcher. Google’s privacy policy covers CASA as well.
You can disable off-campus access links on the Google Scholar settings page. Once off-campus access links are disabled, you may need to identify and configure an alternate mechanism (e.g., an institutional proxy or VPN) to access your library subscriptions while off-campus.
Google Scholar Subscriber Links Program
The Google Scholar Subscriber Links program provides convenient linking back to the authoritative source of an article in the Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL) from the Google Scholar search results page. This collaboration is a significant platform enhancement that streamlines access to purchased content for authenticated library users and ensures that your users are linking to the version of record. It helps users to identify content that is within your library subscription when navigating through (multiple) search results on Google Scholar. It will ensure that students who may not know the full range of resources the Library offers for them, connect to the Computer Society version instead of the multiple versions potentially on offer. Below, you can see an example of the Subscriber Links working; see the new link provided next to the search result. Clicking that link goes directly to the content that the user is looking for and with the convenience of not having to sign-in. This significantly improves the user experience when using CSDL.

Another benefit of this program is that it is completely free to use.
Note that only institutions with both (a) full-access to the Computer Society Digital Library and (b) IP-based access have SubscriberLinks enabled in Google Scholar. Limited-access (e.g. only Computer magazine) institutions cannot utilize the feature.
University students must be located at their university campus and on the university network (such as Wi-Fi or Ethernet) for Google to recognize that the user belongs to that university. A user’s IP address from the machine they are accessing Google Scholar must match an institution in our system. EZProxy institutions should be able to utilize Google Scholar SubscriberLinks if they have a full-access subscription. That said, we have simultaneously enabled Google Scholar CASA to reduce these limitations as best we can. For more information on Google Scholar CASA see our information page here.
Google Scholar uses holdings information to generate article links in their search results only. The information is not shared with third parties or used for marketing purposes. See Google Scholar’s usage policies.