An Hour of Code is an introduction to computer science designed to demystify coding and show that anyone can learn the basics. Come play in the CODE.
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“We owe it to today’s students to start with one hour. Let’s make history.”
– Hadi Partovi, founder,
IEEE Computer Society is proud to call on our chapters and members to lead IEEE Computer Society participation in Computer Science Education Week (CSEDWeek).
CSEdWeek is an initiative put together by the CSTA (Computer Science Teachers Association) and includes a multitude of partners, including IEEE Computer Society and to demonstrate the importance of introducing Computer Science education to the curriculum for students in grades K-12.
Backed by Microsoft, Google, Apple, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, the Boys & Girls Clubs, and more than 100 other partners, wants to bring computer science to every child, in every school, during Computer Science Education Week 3-9 December 2018. has launched “Hour of Code” as an easy and hassle-free method to briefly introduce participants to the world of coding and computer science.
What’s an Hour of Code?
Computer science is foundational for all students today. Yet 90% of schools don’t teach it. Fewer kids learn to program than 10 years ago.
– David Alan Grier, IEEE Computer Society 2013 President
An Hour of Code is an introduction to computer science designed to demystify coding and show that anyone can learn the basics. We’ll provide hour-long tutorials featuring Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Angry Birds, and Plants vs. Zombies — for your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
“Hour of Code” is simple. No matter your age or previous skill level everyone can participate in a module on this list.
Activities (Modules)
There are a multitude of computer science related activities that will occur during CSEdWeek.
IEEE Computer Society is asking you to complete an “hour of code” module so that we can assist our partner in reaching their goal of exposing 10 million+ students to the basics of coding during this week. The “hour of code” modules are pre-designed, come with a tutorial and “how to” tips to signify whether the module would be best utilized on a desktop, mobile device or “unplugged”.
There are a variety of modules to choose from that will allow students to be introduced to programming in a multitude of methods. Modules include submissions from:, ThinkerSmith, LightBot and even a “Build your own App” module from MIT Center for Mobile Learning. To choose your module check out the Hour of Code Activities.
Teachers and Students
There are more incentives than just learning an “Hour of Code”! You actually get to compete for some pretty awesome prizes including:
The first 100,000 educators who host an Hour of Code for their classroom or club will receive 10GB of free storage from Dropbox.
50 schools who organize an Hour of Code will win a full class-set of computers – one winner in every state.
50 classrooms will win a group video conference call with a technology titan to kick off their Hour of Code. Participants include: Bill Gates, Jack Dorsey, Square and Susan Wojcicki, Google.
Students who take a follow-up course online will have a chance to win additional prizes, including Skype credits and online gift card.
Go to: All Hour of Code events – Plug in your address. If you have a local area school proceed to step 2. If not proceed to step 1A.
1A. Find out if any of your local members have children or family in local area schools. Propose an “Hour of Code” event at that local school. For promotional tools see: Teach the Hour of Code in your classroom.
Contact the Principal. Let them know you would like to assist with volunteering for CSEDWeek and ask for their schedule for “Hour of Code.”
Pick a time slot and signup through the Principal.
Email: at the IEEE Computer Society to ask for event information including: Date, Time, # of Volunteers, # of Modules Completed