About TNSE

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Scope of TNSE

The IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering is committed to timely publishing of peer-reviewed technical articles that deal with the theory and applications of network science and the interconnections among the elements in a system that form a network. In particular, the IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering publishes articles on understanding, prediction, and control of structures and behaviors of networks at the fundamental level. The types of networks covered include physical or engineered networks, information networks, biological networks, semantic networks, economic networks, social networks, and ecological networks. Aimed at discovering common principles that govern network structures, network functionalities and behaviors of networks, the journal seeks articles on understanding, prediction, and control of structures and behaviors of networks. Another trans-disciplinary focus of the IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering is the interactions between and co-evolution of different genres of networks.

The core topics covered include: Network Sampling and Measurement; Learning of Network Topology; Modeling and Estimation of Network Dynamics; Network Inference; Models of Complex Networks; Modeling of Network Evolution; Network Design; Consensus, Synchronization and Control of Complex Networks; Interactions between and Co-evolution of Different Genres of Networks; Community Formation and Detection; Complex Network Robustness and Vulnerability; Network Interdependency and Cascading Failures; Searching in Complex Networks; Information Diffusion and Propagation; Percolation and Diffusion on Networks; Epidemiology in Complex Systems.

Contact Information

Dapeng Oliver Wu
Professor, IEEE Fellow
University of Florida
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
P. O. Box 116130
Gainesville, FL 32611
PHONE: +1 (352) 392-4954
FAX +1 (352) 392-0044

TNSE Publication Coordinator
IEEE Computer Society
10662 Los Vaqueros Circle
Los Alamitos, CA 90720, USA
EMAIL: TNSE@computer.org
PHONE: +1.714.821.8380
FAX: +1.714.761.1784

Editorial Board


Dapeng Oliver Wu – University of Florida

Area Editors at Large

Mauricio Barahona – Imperial College London

Larry Blume – Cornell University and Santa Fe Institute

Babak Hassibi – California Institute of Technology

Steven Low – California Institute of Technology

Fernando Paganini – Universidad ORT, Uruguay

Associate Editors

Dave Alderson – Naval Postgraduate School

Juan Gonzalo Barajas-Ramírez – Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica

Vivek Borkar – Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai

Xianbin Cao – Beihang University

Constantine Caramanis – University of Texas at Austin

Cheng-Shang Chang – National Tsing Hua University

Giacomo Como – Lund University

Jorge Cortés – University of California, San Diego

Domitilla Del Veccio – Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Moez Draief – Imperial College

Falko Dressler – University of Paderborn

Raissa D’Souza – University of California, Davis

Atilla Eryilmaz – Ohio State University

Fabio Fagnani – Politecnico of Torino

Massimo Franceschetti – University of California, San Diego

Noah Friedkin – University of California, Santa Barbara

Fan Chung Graham – University of California, San Diego

Jianwei Huang – CUHK

Herbert H.C. Iu – University of Western Australia

Zachary Ives – University of Pennsylvania

Rahul Jain – University of Southern California

Tara Javidi – University of California, San Diego

Eric Kolaczyk – Boston University

Marc Lelarge – INRIA-ENS

Huan Liu – Arizona State University

Jiangchuan Liu – Simon Fraser University

John C.S. Lui – Chinese University of Hong Kong

Andrea Montanari – Stanford University

Eric Moulines – ParisTech

Fabio Pammolli – IMT Lucca

Mason A. Porter – University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Sandip Roy – Washington State University

Caterina M. Scoglio – Kansas State University

Rodolphe Sepulchre – Cambridge University

Devavrat Shah – Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Yiyuan She – Florida State University

Amit Singer – Princeton University

Jian Tang – Syracuse University

Leandros Tassiulas – Yale University

My Thai – University of Florida

Mehmet Can Vuran – University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Xinbing Wang – Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Adam Wierman – California Institute of Technology

Walter Willinger – Niksun

Gaoxi Xiao – Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Shouhuai Xu – University of Texas at San Antonio

David Yau – Singapore University of Technology and Design

Edmund Yeh – Northeastern University

Xi Zhang – Texas A&M University

Rong Zheng – McMaster University

Steering Committee

Computer Society

Mark Crovella

Ramesh Govindan

Zachary Ives

Sue Bok Moon

Sandip Roy

IEEE Communications Society

Nelson Fonseca

Shiwen Mao

Wenye Wang

IEEE Circuits and Systems Society

Michael Tse (Chair)

Wang Xiaofan