Photonics is critical in advancing the field of quantum computing because of the synergistic relationship between quantum physics and photonics. The result is a transformative effect where photonics utilizes the distinctive characteristics of quantum states, including superposition and entanglement, to facilitate quantum information processing. The technical intricacies of photonic qubits showcase their potential to outperform classical computers in specific tasks.
Arshey Patadia is a product manager with Laser Components Detector Group Inc. and has more than 12 years of engineering and technology experience, which has been marked by four patents and more than 20 publications. He has designed and developed silicon, germanium, and InGaAs-based photodetectors that improve navigation and obstacle detection, as well as III-V-based PIN detectors that allow for precision gas sensing. In this Q&A, Patadia offers insights into the revolution of photonics in quantum computing.
Q: In what ways have photonics evolved in recent years?
Patadia: Photonics is still a relatively small industry compared to others, like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), because of the specialization this field requires and market dynamics. Miniaturization has been one of the biggest challenges to overcome, yet photonics-based tech products and systems have been steadily shrinking—albeit not as fast as CMOS-based chips. This is called SWaP-C, which stands for smaller size, lighter weight, more power, and doing it at a cheaper cost. There’s always pressure to make increasingly smaller computer chips since chip manufacturers use Moore’s Law as a guiding principle. I believe the photonics industry can ride that wave.
Q: What makes quantum computing important, and what are its key applications?
Patadia: Essentially, the processing speed and problem-solving abilities make this technology paramount. Quantum computers can perform tasks in just 36 microseconds—a fraction of the 9,000 years required by current supercomputers for the same type of task load. To put it in perspective, a Boolean logic computer that understands only two states, true and false, took decades to complete—the same task a Google quantum computer processed in mere seconds. This breakthrough can redefine computational limits for applications that revolve around time, such as GPS, security applications like cryptography, and the medical industry, where it enhances research, simulates biological processes, develops treatments, and more.
Q: How do the photonics and quantum computing landscapes intersect?
Patadia: I like to call it the “Radiant Revolution.” The term encapsulates the transformative impact that advancements in photonics have on quantum computing. Traditional quantum computers typically require operating temperatures that are colder than deep space and use superconducting qubits or trapped ions. The phenomenon of entangled photons enables complex quantum operations through the interaction and manipulation of photon qubits. The ability to perform simpler quantum computations at room temperature with minimal noise via photonics reduces complexity and costs while making the technology more robust. It paves the way for smaller quantum computers that can be more easily integrated into everyday applications.
Photonic quantum computers offer noise resistance and high-speed operations, making them ideal for scalable quantum computing with lower power consumption than traditional quantum computers. Power requirements are also critical. For example, Xanadu’s photonic quantum computers use silicon-based X-series chips with modules for squeezing and photon detection to solve complex problems. Squeezed states allow for a superposition of photon numbers, enhancing computational power in quantum scenarios. The output from photon detectors translates into statistical data, bridging the gap between quantum results and classical interpretation. Photonics combined with quantum computing represents a shift in how the world processes information and transmits data.
Q: What challenges arise from this tech combination?
Patadia: An emphasis on building a fault-tolerant architecture would address one of the primary challenges in quantum computing—ensuring reliability and accuracy in computations. When someone pigtails a device, there is a small loss at every interface, so reducing losses in the transfer of optical signals is a big challenge. Entangled photons and reducing decoherence are essential to quantum algorithms and operations, and photonic chips can now generate over 8,000 pairs of entangled photons per second. Error correction in photonics requires complex error-detection schemes, such as cluster-state quantum computing and measurement-based quantum computation, but these methods are still in development and have not yet reached the required level of reliability for large-scale systems.
Another challenge for photonics-based quantum computing is the loss of photons during computation and the low detection efficiency of single-photon detectors. Overcoming these limitations is critical for achieving error-corrected, large-scale quantum computers. Algorithms are crucial in optimizing photonics-based quantum computers.
In photonics-based quantum computing, lasers generate and identify trapped ion qubits that are separated from their surroundings and do not require temperatures near absolute zero. Expanding to millions of qubits is a challenge that involves laser systems to produce millions of trapped-ion qubits. Controlling the delicate state of each qubit requires a precise, high-quality laser, and aligning millions of lasers within a hair’s width can be a significant challenge.
Building large, error-free quantum systems with thousands or millions of qubits simultaneously requires precise control over many photons. This is difficult due to losses, noise, and complexity in building large-scale optical circuits. Silicon photonics offers promise for scalable integration, but more research and development are needed to optimize photonic circuits for quantum computing.
Q: What are the key takeaways for researchers, industry professionals, and enthusiasts interested in the convergence of photonics and quantum computing?
Patadia: It’s imperative to integrate with existing technologies, and the convergence of photonics and quantum computing can drive this toward more efficient, scalable, and powerful systems. Improving the efficiency of integrating photonic components is crucial for achieving high performance in quantum operations. Disciplinary collaboration is also vital. Computer scientists create algorithms, physicists help design the technology, material engineers develop the components, industry professionals (like those in the medical or communication industries) voice a problem to be solved, and so on. Their expertise is currently siloed, limiting what can be done and how quickly goals can be achieved. Partnerships can provide essential technologies like frequency stabilization, which will enhance quantum computing reliability.
Traditional quantum computers, especially those based on superconducting qubits, are more mature, with real-world demonstrations by companies like Google and IBM. Photonics-based quantum computers are still mainly in the research and experimental phase, though notable demonstrations exist.
The future of photonic quantum computing encompasses everything from evolving cryptography, advancing the pharmaceutical industry, space exploration through connected telescopes, global banking, and beyond. Photonic quantum computing also has the potential to revolutionize scientific modeling and sustainability, and integration with telecommunications could even lead to a secure quantum internet.
Future of photonic quantum computing
Photonics is rapidly gaining momentum in quantum computing, and new types of quantum algorithms are helping it. Advancements in laser technology and reducing propagation losses in silicon used to stabilize photons indicate a promising future for photonic quantum computing. Industry and research centers are pushing the boundaries of quantum technology by leveraging the unique properties of photons, such as room-temperature operation, high-speed data transfer, and natural resistance to decoherence. As advancement continues, we can expect further breakthroughs in scalability, quantum advantage, and practical applications across industries like cryptography, telecommunications, and quantum-enhanced sensing. The future possibilities from converging the stability of photonics to the speed of quantum computing are infinite.
About the Author:
Diana James is an author, freelance writer, and editor of non-fiction and fiction works. She writes for numerous trade publications, including those in the medical, accounting, and technology industries. Connect with Diana on LinkedIn.
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