Computer Science & Engineering Awards
Each year, the IEEE Computer Society presents computer scientists and engineers, nominated by peers, with awards for their achievements in research and contributions to the computing community. Awardees are nominated for their outstanding discoveries and contributions.
IEEE Fellows
The grade of IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation. The Fellow Portal will reopen in November 2024 for nominations for the IEEE Fellow Class of 2026.

STEM Scholarships
Students are eligible for annual scholarships, awards, and honors for their achievements within computer science. Rewards are given to those who are active leaders within their student chapters or have displayed academic excellence within the computing discipline. Additionally, all IEEE student members, including undergraduates and graduates, are eligible to participate in student paper contests.
- Edward J. McCluskey Technical Achievement Award
- B. Ramakrishna Rau Award
- Computer Pioneer Award
- Harlan D. Mills Award
- Richard E. Merwin Award for Distinguished Service
- W. Wallace McDowell Award
- ACM/IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award
- Hans Karlsson Standards Award
- Watts S. Humphrey Software Quality Award
- Harry H. Goode Memorial Award
- Sidney Fernbach Memorial Award
Board of Governors
The IEEE Computer Society Awards Committee is responsible for soliciting nominees, reviewing candidates, and making recommendations to the Board of Governors for final approval of all Major Award recipients.
Each award subcommittee evaluates every nomination submitted and analyzes each nominee’s lifetime achievements and impact on the computing community.